Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Pool of shame

Posted by Coneycueist on 08-11-2007 01:51

After Mat Ansell lost 2-0 in the Elmer Lodge cup to someone wearing a cueing glove, I feel it is time to declare a top 5 Hall of Shame.

5) Losing to someone using a pub cue.
4) Losing to someone with a graphite cue.
3) Losing to someone wearing a cueing glove.
2) Losing to a pub team wearing branded shirts (particular embarrassment if nicknames are on the back)
1) Losing to Alex Barnetson.

Losing to someone with a magnetic chalkholder justmissed entry into the top 5.

Posted by berty on 08-11-2007 02:07

losing to susan

Posted by RasFas on 08-11-2007 04:40

Losing to someone wearing a coat :wrong:

Posted by scottish-hustler on 08-11-2007 04:59

losing to fran ;) lol jk.

5) Losing to someone who can doesn't use spin.
4) Losing to someone who's using a house cue.
3) Losing to someone who is totally hammered!
2) Losing to someone who isn't in the Unpredictables :P
1) Losing a match without getting a frame.

Posted by RasFas on 08-11-2007 05:09

scottish-hustler wrote:
losing to fran ;) lol jk.


Losing to someone whose cue is taller than he is! :elol:

Posted by Golden on 08-11-2007 08:34

Losing to someone who uses a Chalk Pouch (Wayne Pope)
Losing to someone who plays with a 9-Ball Cue (Wiggy & John Hoy Hoy Hoy)
Losing to someone who has colour co-ordinated cue and tracksuit bottoms (Jamie Kay)
Losing to a woman
Losing to someone who says "that's the best I've played in ages" when they were rubbish

Posted by Dogger on 08-11-2007 15:57

oi, there's nothing wrong with shirts with nicknames...

it's just loosing to someone from Biggin hill...

Posted by longshanks on 08-11-2007 16:44

losing to someone wearing pink

Posted by longshanks on 08-11-2007 16:46

Coneycueist wrote:
After Mat Ansell lost 2-0 in the Elmer Lodge cup to someone wearing a cueing glove, I feel it is time to declare a top 5 Hall of Shame.

Ted told me that my next opponent in the Elmer Lodge Cup has to be home by 8.00 pm every day. I asked, 'why, is he a kid?'. 'No, he's on an ASBO'

Posted by Sass on 08-11-2007 17:05

I'm gonna start wearing a pink shirt with a nickname on it to piss you all off!!!

Posted by Dogger on 08-11-2007 17:42

Sass wrote:
I'm gonna start wearing a pink shirt with a nickname on it to piss you all off!!!

and a pink cueing glove

Posted by Shaggy on 08-11-2007 17:46

There was a bloke called Richard carter who playerd out of Suzys years agao. He had:-

1. keys on a chain dangling from his belt. (Jason Deegan used to ask if he has a swiss army knife on their)

2. A bum bag attachment

3. A graphite cue.

I would add a la Adam Hewson....

4. A mobile phone attached to jeans that never rings and

5. A blue tooth attachment on earhole.

Posted by buntycollocks on 08-11-2007 18:06

beat me to it
ill nominate adam hewson.....with his cue towel sticking out his back pocket and his hands free ear piece that never rings

Posted by Spud on 08-11-2007 18:53

I remember playing upstairs at the Freemasons years ago, and almost getting beaten by a REALLY pregnant woman.

She must have only been days away from popping as she was huge.
She waddled round the table and could only cue upright, and even then couldn't get near the table because of junior. . .

I have been trying to emulate the look ever since.

Posted by scottish-hustler on 08-11-2007 20:01

RasFas wrote:
scottish-hustler wrote:
losing to fran ;) lol jk.


Losing to someone whose cue is taller than he is! :elol:

Yes, losing to someone short must be a bit shameful. You must be a wreck, Fran!

Posted by Billy on 08-11-2007 22:27

i must remember to take my earpiece off before i go into suzyz!

Posted by Shaggy on 08-11-2007 22:52

Losing to people that have a broken leg, arm, collarbone etc.

Posted by Coneycueist on 08-11-2007 23:16

Losing to someone whose cue case for his one piece cue consists of a single bin-liner over the tip end (Berty for about 2 months)

Posted by Fat-Dart on 08-11-2007 23:57

Losing to :chicken:

Posted by Statto on 09-11-2007 06:49

RasFas wrote:
scottish-hustler wrote:
losing to fran ;) lol jk.


Losing to someone whose cue is taller than he is! :elol:

Clive Taylor's made a good living out of that!!!:lol:

Posted by scottish-hustler on 09-11-2007 08:50

Shorter people do have a better cueing action than taller people. Because they're closer to the table it's easier to get the arm parallel to the table and it's easier to get right down to line up a shot. Well that's what I think, anyway, so :razz: :P

Edited by scottish-hustler on 09-11-2007 08:51

Posted by ThePower on 09-11-2007 19:21

Coneycueist wrote:
1) Losing to Alex Barnetson.

Just let me know when you have saved up your pocket money and we'll get it on. I am sure I can also squeeze you into my back pocket with Berty. :one:

Posted by Coneycueist on 10-11-2007 04:21

ThePower wrote:
Coneycueist wrote:
1) Losing to Alex Barnetson.

Just let me know when you have saved up your pocket money and we'll get it on. I am sure I can also squeeze you into my back pocket with Berty. :one:

I've got a job interview next week. If I get it I will be (at least partially) relocating to Oxford and jacking in any meaningful pool. If not you have got yourself a deal.

Posted by ThePower on 10-11-2007 04:30

Thats just the type of homo excuse we come to expect from you bunch of faggots!

Posted by Coneycueist on 10-11-2007 04:50

ThePower wrote:
Thats just the type of homo excuse we come to expect from you bunch of faggots!

Classy response Alex.

Posted by ThePower on 10-11-2007 05:41

Hardly the response of a confident man.....

Remember Berty fancied it, got beat and then has pretend to himself to be happy to live it for the rest of his life....

Edited by ThePower on 10-11-2007 05:49

Posted by Coneycueist on 10-11-2007 17:05

Not everyone has a massive ego Alex. You challenged me after a friendly bit of banter on the site designed to liven things up a bit and get you to bite..

In terms of whether it goes ahead, it's quite simple...

Do I think I would beat you with a sustained run in the winter league and a decent run of practice in the run up to the game? Definitely.

Do I think I would beat you having hardly played for 3 months, living 100 miles from croydon and stepping off a train to just play this game? (Seeing how well you played in and prepared for the Berty game) - Almost certainly not.

I'm not in the habit of throwing away a couple of hundred quid on an unlikely event, hence my original answer.

If that makes me a coward in your eyes? Well I think I can cope with that :winkgrin:

Edited by Coneycueist on 10-11-2007 17:28

Posted by juan-king on 10-11-2007 21:58

Sass wrote:
I'm gonna start wearing a pink shirt with a nickname on it to piss you all off!!!

I thought the pink shirts were my trademark...?


Posted by Sass on 10-11-2007 22:32

Sorry. Getting beaten by this man . . .

Posted by juan-king on 11-11-2007 08:12


Posted by ThePower on 12-11-2007 04:14

Coneycueist wrote:
Not everyone has a massive ego Alex. You challenged me after a friendly bit of banter on the site designed to liven things up a bit and get you to bite..

In terms of whether it goes ahead, it's quite simple...

Do I think I would beat you with a sustained run in the winter league and a decent run of practice in the run up to the game? Definitely.

Do I think I would beat you having hardly played for 3 months, living 100 miles from croydon and stepping off a train to just play this game? (Seeing how well you played in and prepared for the Berty game) - Almost certainly not.

I'm not in the habit of throwing away a couple of hundred quid on an unlikely event, hence my original answer.

If that makes me a coward in your eyes? Well I think I can cope with that :winkgrin:

James, I didn't mean to scare you with my big ego. I must admit the thought of pulling your pants down as well as pulling down Berty's in one year was understandably too much to embrace for a red blooded Edenite.

Remember, Berty ducked the match for a while before he gained enough courage, so don't worry, I am patient....

Posted by berty on 12-11-2007 17:53

Never ducked the match Alex and you know it you are just doing your usual attention seeking antic we have come to love and hate in equal measure. Keep it up son cos we will miss it after this season so I want to enjoy it whilst it lasts.

Posted by ThePower on 12-11-2007 19:59

You've continually ducked Power v Berty II

Posted by longshanks on 12-11-2007 20:28

Like most sequels it wouldn't have been as good as the original.

Posted by berty on 12-11-2007 20:29

Fine my new name is Matt "The Ducker" Palmer

Jobs a goodun:bow:

Posted by ThePower on 13-11-2007 04:01

'The Choker', 'The Bottler'.. are just a few others you maybe could use when you get bored of that one.....

Edited by ThePower on 13-11-2007 05:23

Posted by berty on 13-11-2007 17:23

cheers for the heads up how about the power shower for you ....or if you team up with golden "The Golden Shower" just a thought?!!!

Posted by ThePower on 13-11-2007 17:36

One day Matthew, when you have grown some more hairs on your chest it will eventually dawn on you that living in my pocket is not a good place to be. At the moment you remind me of the Lion in the Wizard of Oz. Or shall we call you the Tin Man?

Posted by berty on 13-11-2007 19:37

I quite like it in your Pocket Alex. I knew before I played you that If I lost you would be an obnoxious Pri*k about it and that is something I have to live with but I went in to the match with my eyes open knowing this fact.

Some of us manage to hold ourselves with an air of grace and dignity you should try it. You played me you beat me ...well done and you have my money to boot complaints.

To a leeser extent (in terms of money) I have your money in the Eden Vs Coney matches and that pleases me. I have never been an individual player (hence why I dont play in the singles) but money and individual glory in mercenary fashion motivates you and that is just smashing so keep it up but that is where we very much differ. No rematch. but can my mate move in to your pocket he needs somewhere to crash for a while?

Posted by Spudangles on 13-11-2007 19:44

You're both shite :lol:

Posted by Sass on 13-11-2007 20:07

Careful Spudangles . . . ThePower might challenge you to a money game!!

Posted by berty on 13-11-2007 20:09

but neither of us camps under a pool table:clap:

Posted by berty on 13-11-2007 20:12

actually the power v berty was a case in point to this. Myself and alex both commented after our marathon that we had had enough and that was the most we had played in one day. whilst on the other table sean and rod started before us and finished way after we left i presume and yours was just an average saturday we built up to our for ages!!!!!!!!

Posted by Spudangles on 13-11-2007 20:19


Posted by berty on 13-11-2007 20:20


Posted by ThePower on 13-11-2007 23:28

berty wrote:
I quite like it in your Pocket Alex. I knew before I played you that If I lost you would be an obnoxious Pri*k about it and that is something I have to live with but I went in to the match with my eyes open knowing this fact.

Some of us manage to hold ourselves with an air of grace and dignity you should try it. You played me you beat me ...well done and you have my money to boot complaints.

To a leeser extent (in terms of money) I have your money in the Eden Vs Coney matches and that pleases me. I have never been an individual player (hence why I dont play in the singles) but money and individual glory in mercenary fashion motivates you and that is just smashing so keep it up but that is where we very much differ. No rematch. but can my mate move in to your pocket he needs somewhere to crash for a while?

I think I have shown 'grace' and 'dignity' by offering you the rematch.

:one: (obnoxious prick)

Edited by ThePower on 13-11-2007 23:29

Posted by berty on 14-11-2007 00:13

and I "graciously" declined 2 months ago.