Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Gerbils

Posted by Sass on 09-11-2007 02:21

. . . no not the young man who looks after the tables at JFK's . . . the small furry cute type!

Our gerbils have just produced their first litter and they are as cute as anything. Unfortunately we cannot keep them all so wondered if anyone on here would like some for their kids?

They are intelligent social animals and should be kept in small groups - 2 or 3 to a cage. They are desert dwellers in the wild and therefore very clean animals which means they only need cleaning out every 2 to 3 weeks and providing fresh food and water daily. Very easy to look after.

They will be ready to leave their parents from the 11th December but we can hang onto them a little longer if you want them as a Christmas present. They will be separated into same sex groups as soon as they are weaned so no little surprises!

Gerbils are very entertaining - much more so than hamsters or other small animals. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about looking after them.

They are free to a good home. If anyone is interested - let me know!

Posted by Lils on 09-11-2007 02:40

Well, we have 4 kittens for sale as of December 6th, so if you can't find homes for them, buy a kitten from us and feed it gerbils . . . ;)

Posted by hannahfish on 09-11-2007 03:11

oo oo oo i wanted a kitten but not allowed however have a empty fish tank cause they all died so will ask if i can have gerbils will let you know when i have asked permission:bounce:

Posted by Sass on 09-11-2007 03:19

Fish tanks are ideal for gerbils provided they have a ventilated lid. Otherwise they will go the same way as your fish! :(

Posted by Fat-Dart on 09-11-2007 04:01

Sass wrote:
Fish tanks are ideal for gerbils provided they have a ventilated lid. Otherwise they will go the same way as your fish! :(

Yes but for Hannah's information, don't forget that although they may live happily in fish tanks they're not actually fish, so don't fill the water to the top.

:fish: (that's NOT a gerbil)

Posted by hannahfish on 09-11-2007 04:06

:cry: you all think im thick but i do have common sense;)

Posted by Fat-Dart on 09-11-2007 04:26

hannahfish wrote:
:cry: you all think im thick but i do have common sense;)

We know that really, you just hide it so well..

Posted by Statto on 09-11-2007 07:33

We may be interested in having two. Need to investigate costs of cages, etc (unless anyone has spare stuff?). We would want placid ones, as we would like them to be handled by kids.

If you can get them all good homes easily, go ahead. If not, then we'll let you know when we've done our homework....:handshake:

Posted by Sass on 09-11-2007 08:24

Ok cool. Their parents are both easily handled now but they weren't so laid back when we first got them. They took a a few days to get used to us but I think that was because ours came from a pet shop and they hadn't been handled that often and also because we had no experience of small animals and we were a bit nervous of them. They are faster than hamsters but they do get used to the people who handle them regularly and ours will happily sit on my daughters lap now without being held onto.

I can guarantee that my kids will handle the little ones as often as I will let them so that shouldn't be a problem with these pups! We have to leave them alone until they are a week old as if the mother picks up our scent on them she may reject them (I've done my research!)

The pet shop I bought the pair from said that they would take on any I can't find homes for but I'd sooner see them go straight to a new home for the reason already stated.

They are still blind, deaf and hairless. I reckon they should play pool!

Let me know if and when you're ready.

Edited by Sass on 09-11-2007 08:26

Posted by Sass on 09-11-2007 20:13

Posted by hannahfish on 09-11-2007 20:24

lol how cute, I am allowed some if they are of the same sex but then if they are brotther and sister i would hope they wouldnt breed??:?:

Posted by Sass on 09-11-2007 20:31

They aren't fussy!!! :lol:

I've ordered a cage so they can be separated into same sex groups. I'll have a chat with you next time I see you.

Posted by Sass on 11-11-2007 00:14


Posted by Sass on 04-12-2007 17:36

Gerbil Update!

I've put some more recent photos on Facebook if anyone is interested in them - link above.

We have 6 gerbil pups - I will try and work out which are boys and which are or girls but it's very difficult to tell at the moment. They are all white. Some have red eyes, some have black eyes. One has an injured leg and tail (thanks to my kids letting it out) but it doesn't seem to bother it although we handle it less to avoid hurting it. Another one has a kink in it's tail which is rather cute. In fact they are all gorgeous.

Hopefully those who have an expressed an interest still are?

Posted by hannahfish on 04-12-2007 17:47

just have to check because he wants to get scorpions and i dont think they will mix well in the same tank :roll:

Posted by Sass on 04-12-2007 17:50

Oh ok. Please let me know as soon as possible if I need to find another home.

Posted by Sass on 04-12-2007 20:02

Just to make it clear to anyone that we obviously intend to keep the injured one. We wouldn't expect anyone else to take it on.

Posted by harry on 04-12-2007 20:24

How is the injured little fella now?

Posted by Sass on 04-12-2007 20:47

He's actually seems fine. He uses the leg and gets about the gerbilarium just as well as the others. It just isn't too pretty to look at.

I'm worried about hurting him so I haven't inspected the damage too closely.

Posted by Statto on 05-12-2007 06:25

As mentioned before, we will have a couple if you are short of homes.

We will need a few days in order to get accomodation and food sorted out, so please let us know.


Posted by scottish-hustler on 09-12-2007 05:53

I've got a cople of gerbils. Cages are fairly cheap. I suggest you get them glass cages as the plastic ones you normally get for hamsters etc wont last long as they constantly like to chew stuff. From a pet shop I got 2 gerbils, a glass cage, 2 bowels (water/food) bedding, food some, treats, a little hut for them to hide in and some other bits and bobs for a total of ?65 which wasnt too bad as the gerbils themsevles cost ?9

Posted by Sass on 09-12-2007 09:30

I got a new gerbilarium from Pets at Home for the other day as the lid of the first glass one I had fell to bits.

The new one is much better and cost ?40 and includes a water bottle, food bowl and the plastic tunnel you can see in the pic. It has a deep plastic tank with a cage that attaches to the top which has two levels. The gerbils love it. Pets at Home also throw in a free starter pack which has guide to looking after gerbils, some bedding, food and a few other bits and bobs.

Edited by Sass on 09-12-2007 09:37

Posted by Sass on 09-12-2007 09:33

I will try and establish what sex the gerbil pups are tomorrow or Monday and get back to you. I want to keep 2 (one male, one female) so I can separate the breeding pair. It will then depend on what sex the remaining gerbils are as Alex and Hannah have also expressed an interest. There are only 6 pups altogether.

Posted by Sass on 11-12-2007 04:32

It's really hard to tell the boys from the girls as some of them are quite fluffy! I think there are 2 boys and 4 girls but I'm going to take them to the pet shop on Weds to be a bit more sure. I don't want anyone getting any unexpected Christmas presents!!

Posted by Sass on 12-12-2007 21:59

I got it wrong. We have 3 boys and 3 girls which means I have a pair of boys and a pair of girls who are free to a good home.

Statto and ThePower - I'm PM'ing you!

Posted by Lils on 12-12-2007 22:13

You'd do better to ring The Power (grrr) as he doesn't appear to have been on the site for a few days.

Probably busy with work or something.

Posted by Sass on 12-12-2007 23:26

:elol: Have you got his number?

Posted by Sass on 18-12-2007 07:11

Top for Alex. The tank above is what I was trying to describe earlier.