Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Frank Message Emigrating

Posted by cazza on 24-03-2009 21:32

Not too sure who is aware but after many years of playing in the Croydon Pool League Frank Message has decided to retire and emigrate to sunnier climbs.

He will be missed by his team mates (the fun we have had watching his games ).:o Apparently 15 years ago or so he used to be able to pot 2 or 3 balls a game. With those days firmly behind him he is hanging up his cue.

Would just like to wish him and the Mrs all the very best of luck in your new life in Spain, you will be missed Frank.

Posted by sly294 on 24-03-2009 22:33

Frank as in Farley Frank ?

Posted by smalton on 24-03-2009 22:39

How long before he rings Mark asking if he can start a team from SPAIN?????????


Posted by nuttmeg on 25-03-2009 07:44

good luck Frank a really lovely man