Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Coaching

Posted by chuckles on 03-03-2010 00:16

I've just received the minutes from the half season general meeting. It says on Proposal 1 that Rule 61 is to be deleted as it contradicts rule 22. Rule 22 refers to using the "World 8 Ball Pool Rules. Official Rules of EPA." In these rules nothing is mentioned about coaching.
Rule 61 says there will be No coaching allowed and 2 shots will be awarded should this occur.
Does this now mean coaching is allowed.
I hope I'm reading this wrong, as I believe coaching to be cheating.
What about 'The spirit of the game'

Edited by chuckles on 03-03-2010 00:40

Posted by longshanks on 03-03-2010 01:23

No, the World Rules state that if there is any coaching then a warning is given. If there is any further coaching then a two visit penalty is awarded.

Posted by chuckles on 03-03-2010 07:37

This has to be Wrong.
Call to your player in the middle of the game, "The shot you are playing is the wrong shot, you should be playing this shot." and wins the game because of the coaching.
Why not have a discussion between the team on every shot, providing you can do it within the 60 seconds.
This game should be played between two players, if one of them doesn't know the rules/tactics of the game, they should learn them. Not rely on team mates to tell them where they are going wrong.
How can this be right?
Again I say, this is Cheating.

Posted by chuckles on 18-03-2010 00:19

just bringing this back to the top. But what does any one else think about coaching, Right or wrong?

Posted by TomT on 18-03-2010 03:22

chuckles wrote:
This has to be Wrong.
Call to your player in the middle of the game, "The shot you are playing is the wrong shot, you should be playing this shot." and wins the game because of the coaching.
Why not have a discussion between the team on every shot, providing you can do it within the 60 seconds.
Again I say, this is Cheating.

I thought that 1) If your oponents team mate shouts out "The shot you are playing is the wrong shot, you should be playing this shot.", then the oponent will be unable to change his mind on the shot as the ref will call a 'serious foul' and award you with 2 visits. And 2) You will be unable to discuss each shot between the team as after the first 'serious foul' is awarded, a repeated offense results in loss of frame.

That's my understanding of the rules anyway?

Posted by longshanks on 18-03-2010 04:46

Mark Bannister put forward a motion about this at the AGM because there he had discovered a contradiction in the constitution. The constitution had a rule about coaching (loss of frame) but also says that CDPL plays by EPA world rules which has a rule on coaching (Rule 12 - below). So the AGM had a choice of either sticking with the Croydon rule or following the world rules and voted for the latter.

Rule 12: Coaching: - During a frame, a player is required to play without receiving any advice from other persons relating to the playing of the frame. Should a team member or bone-fide supporter of a player offer advice, the referee will issue a "First and Final Warning" to that person that a repetition will result in the player being penalised via a Standard Foul. Because it may not always be possible for the Referee to hear if a statement made to a player is advice, the referee may issue the First and Final Warning on the grounds that any statement made to a player, other than general barracking, is deemed to be coaching. In a tournament setting, a First and Final warning may be given once only, before the commencement of the day's play as a block warning to all players and spectators.

Posted by chuckles on 24-03-2010 23:58

Thanks Shanks,
But should the first and final warning replace the "2 visits for coaching" in the constitution. so it is assumed that at the start of every game/match that the final warning has been issued. Because as it stands now, the final warning is no punishment if the player goes ahead and wins after the final warning has been issued.
If the warning is put into the constitution and a player is caught coaching the coached player will lose the frame. Crime and punishment. I'm all for that.