Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 2 Week 15

Posted by Blockapocket on 17-03-2010 14:45

Waddon Wizards 4 Pond wheatsheaf 6

one great clearance from the pond, and a missed black for b/d in the final frame, gave us the chance to draw but we chucked the chance away. Scappy game all round.

Well done pond.

Posted by Top Side on 17-03-2010 15:10

Coach & horses 1-9 better halfs

Posted by Dogger on 17-03-2010 16:32

flying machine 8 - 2 goodfellas

i'll let mark give you his opinion :-D

Posted by miq on 17-03-2010 16:37

Magnum Force 7 - 3 Rileys Snooker

Posted by Triple C on 17-03-2010 17:01

Rileys Rack Pack 9 vs 1 Foreign Legion

Very solid performance with some confident pool from a number of our players... Lets keep it up boys!

Posted by Dogger on 17-03-2010 17:04


Rileys Rack Pack 102
The Better Halfs 94
Rileys Snooker 89
Pond Wheatsheaf 87
The Waddon Wizards 80
Foreign Legion 77
Goodfellas 74
Flying Machine 74
Farley Loyalists 68 +?
Magnum Force 66
Coach & Horses 41
Jalfrazi's Menu 38 +?

Posted by Fat-Dart on 17-03-2010 19:25

Dogger wrote:
flying machine 8 - 2 goodfellas
i'll let mark give you his opinion :-D

Thanks Dan.

I won't blame the table... Yes I will, the table is horrific! More rolls than Greggs, pockets of varying sizes, slower than a very slow thing etc etc. The phrase, 'like playing pool on a dog's back' springs to mind. Apparently, the table's being replaced this week but if it's not, it might be worth actually playing the next home fixture on 'Buddah' the pub Old English Sheepdog's back! (Mind you, considering the size of him, it'd be more like snooker!) :D:

On a positive though, an enjoyable match, despite the table and the score and a lovely bit of grub too!

Posted by Brooker on 17-03-2010 22:43

Rileys Rack Pack 9 vs 1 Foreign Legion

Bad couple of weeks for the legion. We only had 4 last night, just Me, Dave Houston & Chris Hazell with Dave Houston Jnr making up yhe 4th player, he was only signed as an emergency as he doesn't really play pool & has limited idea of the rules, poor fella has been called upon about 6 times already this season, still, he should be a pro this time next year with all this practice and he is doing himself proud at the moment.

Only had 3 against the better halves last week too, & one of those was Dave Jnr also. Giving away 6 frames in 2 matches isn't great after we had a good little run going, still, its only pool & there will be more golf now the better weather is coming :)

Posted by kristiano78 on 18-03-2010 03:01

Fat-Dart wrote:
Dogger wrote:
flying machine 8 - 2 goodfellas
i'll let mark give you his opinion :-D

Thanks Dan.

I won't blame the table... Yes I will, the table is horrific! More rolls than Greggs, pockets of varying sizes, slower than a very slow thing etc etc. The phrase, 'like playing pool on a dog's back' springs to mind. Apparently, the table's being replaced this week but if it's not, it might be worth actually playing the next home fixture on 'Buddah' the pub Old English Sheepdog's back! (Mind you, considering the size of him, it'd be more like snooker!) :D:

On a positive though, an enjoyable match, despite the table and the score and a lovely bit of grub too!

Buddah the Dog was cool. At one point I thought he was going jump on the table!! Judging by the size of him, I reckon he would have broken the table. Is there a croydon rule about massive sheepdogs breaking a table and forcing the abandonment of a game?! I think it's rule 47(a) ii.

Posted by Rainbow on 18-03-2010 04:37

Jalfrazi's Menu (No Show) - Farley Loyalists (Drunk)

Not to sure what to say, Jeff & the guys have disbanded it seems, one of the longest surviving players in this fair league of ours has no team. A tear moment please gents.

As for our, and anyone elses points, this week and in the coming games for those teams that still have to play them...over to you M.H.


Posted by Fat-Dart on 18-03-2010 05:56

Rainbow wrote:
Not to sure what to say, Jeff & the guys have disbanded it seems, one of the longest surviving players in this fair league of ours has no team. A tear moment please gents.

Jeff left them a while ago and apparently went to the Selhurst Arms.

Posted by Rainbow on 18-03-2010 15:34

Fat-Dart wrote:
Rainbow wrote:
Not to sure what to say, Jeff & the guys have disbanded it seems, one of the longest surviving players in this fair league of ours has no team. A tear moment please gents.

Jeff left them a while ago and apparently went to the Selhurst Arms.

Tear moment with-drawn!!


Posted by Dogger on 18-03-2010 16:18

kristiano78 wrote:

Is there a croydon rule about massive sheepdogs breaking a table and forcing the abandonment of a game?! I think it's rule 47(a) ii.

Ask Fat-dart, he knows them off by heart...


Posted by Dogger on 18-03-2010 16:24

mmm i bet it will go to averages. which is very annoying. as our average for the season is probably about 5-5. but in the last 3 weeks we've started playing very well, and have to play jalfrazis at home in 2 weeks. I would have liked to think with our current form, we would have got a much beter score than 5-5. Annoying. but oh well :)

Posted by Fat-Dart on 18-03-2010 19:00

Dogger wrote:
kristiano78 wrote:

Is there a croydon rule about massive sheepdogs breaking a table and forcing the abandonment of a game?! I think it's rule 47(a) ii.

Ask Fat-dart, he knows them off by heart...


I think you'll find this one would be covered under Rule V: Interference; (c); (i)

V. Interference
1. If any balls are moved during a frame:-
(a) By a person other than the players taking part in the frame OR,
(b ) As a direct result of one of the players being bumped OR,
(c) Due to any other event deemed outside the players' control such as:-
i) "An Act of God" such as an earthquake etc
ii) Tip falling off a cue or end falling off a spider etc,
the referee will replace the balls as near as possible to the positions they were in before the incident occurred, no penalty shall be imposed on either of the players and the frame shall continue.

As Buddah jumping on the table would be similar in destructive force to a massive earthquake, I think this would be the rule enforced. That said, if the table broke, you wouldn't be able to continue the match anyway, so it'd be a 'special circumstances postponement'. Probably.

Posted by Dogger on 18-03-2010 19:33

Thank you Mark.