Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 3 - Week 15

Posted by Welshy on 17-03-2010 15:10

Beechtree 5 - 5 Jolly Sailor

3 out of 4 games so far in the second half of the season we've drawn, and feeling is this one got away from us :|

3-2 up at the turn, case of missed chances for both teams in the first set, fair play to the Jolly for a second set fightback. Mention to both Supa and Zoe for quality 2/2 displays :clap:.

Good bunch the Jolly Sailor, quality night all round, good luck for the remainder of the season lads.:handshake:

Posted by mickeyp on 17-03-2010 17:21

Oakie Cokies 10 - 0 Enmore social

A great solid performance from the lads last night, we could of lost a couple of frames but were fortunate not to

Good luck for the rest of the season lads..

Posted by preynolds on 17-03-2010 18:28

The Ship 8 - 2 The Seaman

A great win for us against the ship B team last night, although to be fair we did get lucky in a couple of frames. Great night aswell with a brilliant game of killer after the match (well done jase, u lucky git lol) and good luck to the seaman for the rest of the season.
Hopefully this result keeps us firmly in the running for runners up

Posted by TB on 17-03-2010 18:44

Langley Sports 4 - 6 The Maple Tree

We should have done better in a couple of frames but no complaints. The Maple Tree are a solid side. Good luck to them for the remainder of the season.

Posted by The_Saxtonator on 17-03-2010 20:50

The Folly 4 - The Lodgers 6

Good win for us to break The Folly's unbeaten run