Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Plate ko final result

Posted by Blockapocket on 23-03-2010 07:01

Steve Pantony Waddon Wizards 3
Wayne Reeves Warbank 0

Posted by TomT on 23-03-2010 14:24

Well played Steve

Posted by miq on 23-03-2010 18:09

Well done Steve

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 23-03-2010 22:46

Well played steve and very unlucky to wayne.

Wayne went in off the black in the first and Steve could have easily done the same in the 3rd.

Alot closer than the score line says...

Well done to both for making the final.

Posted by Nature Boy on 24-03-2010 05:48

Congrats to Steve, but unlucky to Wayne, but top efforts in making the final.
We was hoping for more silverware for the Warbank, but not to be.
Steve took the beans home!!:clap::clap:

Posted by Blockapocket on 25-03-2010 22:57

Thanks for your support guys, Sorry to put a stop to the warbanks silver collection Ally. Trying to build one of my own.