Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 1 - Week 16

Posted by Nature Boy on 24-03-2010 05:44


Solid play by us, mind we could have been 4-1 up in the first set, but we missed an easy black. Great play by Mark & Ken winning 2 out of 2.

Unlucky to The Jolly, nice bunch and wish them all the best for the rest of the season.

Posted by longshanks on 24-03-2010 06:10

Unpredictables 5-5 Cuemasters

We were 5-2 down so pleased to nick a draw.

Posted by ThePower on 24-03-2010 14:57

Forum 'A' P-P Eden Cues

Posted by Spud on 24-03-2010 16:29

Good result for the Unpredictables, although they'll be dissapointed having not converted a 5-2 into a win.

Result of the night goes to the Imperials though, who beat us 6-4, and especially Lloyd Barnes who played 2 magical frames.

Caught us with our pants down and took a thourougly deserved victory.

In the highly anticipated match over the other side of the hall between the Prop and the Patriots, the Prop were 7-0 up before finally winning 8-2 !!!

If it were a football long list, the bookies would be laughing.

Posted by the-shark on 24-03-2010 19:13

yes we managed to scrape a draw from 2-5 down but credit to the unpredictables who took out some fine finishes to build that lead! none of us really had a look in for most of them fromes as the home side produced some quality pool!

big shock on the other table with the imps shock win over the eagles! and was suprised to hear how the prop put the patriots to the sword 8-2 and also a big win for the warbank against the in form jolly!

Posted by handbrake on 24-03-2010 23:41

9 1 win for the hotshots vs pot luck should have been 10 but for keely going in off the black, full cedtit to pot luck for coming down and showing real sportsmanship and grace,
some shocking scores this week i think

Posted by Kermy on 25-03-2010 00:12

Prop 8 Patriots 2 The less said about this result the better.

Posted by berty on 25-03-2010 00:47

League Table

Eagles - 112
Propeller - 105
Cuemasters - 97
Hot Shots - 97
Patriots - 95
Unpredictables - 87
Jolly - 85
Warbanks- - 75
Eden - 67 + 1 result
Forum A - 64 + 1 result
Imperials - 63
Pot Luck - 5

Interesting at the bottom, a few more results for the Prop and they still have a shout maybe?