Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: division 3 week 17

Posted by Statto on 31-03-2010 05:53

Folly 3-7 Seamen

Yes, you are reading this correctly.....the Seamen did win....

An enjoyable match, played in a good spirit, and for once I can say that Lady Luck perhaps favoured us a touch. BUT we played well as a team (for an enjoyable change), and took our chances well.

On a different note, we finally got to try the greatly acclaimed food....we were the only team in the summer season NOT to enjoy it, and we've had to wait most of the winter too....

Beef Casserole, Beef Curry, rice and chips were on offer, and I can honestly say i'd never had curry rice and chips on the same plate before...I intend to do it food!!!

Good luck for the rest of the season guys!!!

Posted by Andy on 31-03-2010 14:35

A disastrous result for us but nothing more than we deserved. Really well played to the guys from The Seamen who played much better than we did. :clapping:

Good banter and great food again from Julie. Good luck to Jason and the lads for the rest of the season.

Posted by waynie1973 on 01-04-2010 04:29

Tha Ship 8 v 2 Maple Tree

Another good home win for us, won both sets 4-1 and it was a really good team performance.
Thanks to the fellas from the Maple who despite the result made it an enjoyable evening.
Nice wins for the B team and the guys n girls from the beechtree .. i do hope that both of you guys manage to stay up !!