Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 1 - Week 18 Results

Posted by Nature Boy on 07-04-2010 05:03

The Warbank 7-3 Imperials

An important match tonight, for both teams and a loss for us was not an option. Solid win by us, most frames were broken play, but very happy with the result.

All the best to Martin & co for the last few weeks of the season.

Posted by chuckles on 07-04-2010 05:13

shame we couldn't get a full team out, sorry about that, but we had 5 for the second half and were happy to get 3 games.

Posted by Chrisdotuk on 07-04-2010 05:31


No complaints, they finished better than we did :|

Posted by Teach on 07-04-2010 05:32

Prop 7-3 Forum

Eagles 7-3 Eden

Unpredictables 5-5 Patriots

I believe these are all correct.

Posted by sparks on 07-04-2010 17:38

Unpred's 5-5 Pats

It's a funny old game!!

Posted by longshanks on 07-04-2010 19:33

Pot Luck 1-9 Cuemasters