Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: General League Rules

Posted by Chuckie on 07-04-2010 22:35

If League Rule 55 applies:

55. If a Result Card for a League/League Cup Match is not received by the following Friday after a stated match then that
team will have 2 points deducted from their status. (Refer also to Rules 57 & 58).
56. If a Result Card for a Knockout Cup Match is not received by the following Friday after a stated match then that
offending team will be eliminated from the competition and the opposing team will go through to the next round.
57. One warning will be given to teams (as outlined on the Weekly Results/Tables Sheet) should they fail to submit a result
card on time. If the result card is still outstanding after 2 weeks then Rule 55 & 56 will apply.
58. Any team deducted points under Rule 55 will have the option of paying a ?5 fine per 2 points deducted within 14 days of
the offence for the deducted points to be re-instated.

What happens to the individual ranking points for the opposing team?

Charles Burrows.