Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Div 4 week19

Posted by gfizz on 14-04-2010 05:03

Untouchables:trophyone: 8 - 2 Touch of Class

That just about wraps the league up for us with 3 weeks to spare..............well
played fellas....great performance week in week out..........

Back to the game,a great performance tonight from all,we just carried on where
we left off last night..............Danny,Andy and Myself got 2/2 Nellio1/1(and
dropped himself for the second set) and a special mention to the 2 marks who
won 1 out of 3..........nice one lads lol

Special mention to Mark(battersea dogs home)Ramsay and partner Charlotte
for their upcoming wedding on saturday.......the only thing ive got say to Mark
is DONT DO IT........LOL.....mind you he could do with a layoff from pool the
way hes playing........joking aside good luck mate:handshake:

Posted by Rambo on 14-04-2010 05:24

Haha, cheers man about wedding.

Well done to Danny for agreeing to do a re-rack because danny pot the white and the guy layed white on other end of table resulting 2 shots and danny had 1 ball left so re-rack broke and almost dished but missed an easy straight black.

8 - 2 to us and despite that I lost my game I am playing better today than I was yesterday, building confidence so I'm happy, I'm looking forward to Monday league cup more than the wedding!! He he.

Well played team, goodluck to view to a kill for last remaining few games!

Edited by Rambo on 14-04-2010 05:27

Posted by Cue Tip on 14-04-2010 14:13


Posted by Views on 15-04-2010 20:15

View to a Kill 8 Forum B 2

Good night, good laugh - great food and no radiator for the first time this season