Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: DIVISION 1 Week 20

Posted by Chrisdotuk on 21-04-2010 05:46


A nice bunch of lads. Hope they get the extra players for the summer.
The relegation battle looks interesting after last nights result. Will we send the eden down on the last game?

Posted by longshanks on 21-04-2010 05:53

Hot Shots 5-5 Cuemasters

Posted by nuttmeg on 21-04-2010 07:05

Eagles 6 Prop 4

Posted by Faz Da Fisher on 21-04-2010 14:53

Eden 7-3 Warbank

great spirit lads one of our best wins ever could of been 8 or 9

let's hope forum batter the warbank to give us a chance

Lansing rallying the troops what we have missed all season

come on the Eden special mention to billy Bunter what a boy

Posted by ThePower on 21-04-2010 15:26

Chrisdotuk wrote:

Will we send the eden down on the last game?


Posted by longshanks on 21-04-2010 17:09

Eden have Pot Luck to play, so should stay up.

Posted by legend on 21-04-2010 17:10

Unpredictables 5-5 Forum. Good comeback to snatch a draw and a fair result, good luck to Mick and his team for remaining games, always good fun :)

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 21-04-2010 18:04

Poor performance from the warbank last night at a crucial point in the season.

2 key players missing and had to get Rob out of retirement last night to play we had an under strength warbank squad.

Interested to know how Farron reckoned they should have had 8 or 9?

An in off in my frame playing a snooker and our guy missing a black over the whole gifted at least 2 frames not to mention a white ball rolling of 3-4 inches on a possilbe clearance for us on another night should have been 7-3 to us!

Next you will be telling the website Jonh Terrys still got it! :bite: Hold on it could be a big one!?

However an enjoyable night against the Eden good to see Scott rallying the troops!

Best of luck guys (NOT) :lol:

Edited by SCORCHIO12 on 21-04-2010 18:06

Posted by Shaggy on 21-04-2010 18:23

Working on a Patriots 10-0 The league is approx

Eagles 133
Prop 126
Pats 124
Masters 122
HShots 114
Jolly 111
Unpreds 110
Forum 92
Warbank 88
Eden 87
Imps 83
Pot Luck 4

Not wishing to appear overconfident but at should be a battle between the Propellor, Patriots and Cue Masters for Runners Up, and 1 from Warbank, Eden and Forum for the drop.

Run ins.

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 21-04-2010 18:31

The warbank will be on 92 with our 4 points back.

Posted by Shaggy on 21-04-2010 18:40

Looking at the run ins its gonna be close.

Warbank 92
Form 92
Eden 87

Loser leave town.

Forum - Warbank/Pot Luck
Eden - Pot Luck/Jolly
Warbank - Forum/Prop

Eden will make up a few points this week no matter what!

Forum should get clear the week after against Pot Luck, and Warbank may have to better against the Prop than the Eden do against the Jolly. Squeeky bum time!

At the top:-

Prop 126
Patriots 124
Masters 122

Prop - Unpreds/Warbank
Masters - Imps/Patriots
Patriots - Jolly/Cuemasters

The Imps are bang in trouble so you can see them picking up a couple this week. Warbank will be fighting against the Prop so to save themselves from relegation. Is their a chance of Masters or Patriots nicking second????

Posted by ThePower on 21-04-2010 19:51

SCORCHIO12 wrote:
The warbank will be on 92 with our 4 points back.

Not cut and dried Mr Harrison.

Your deduction of 4 points relate to breach of Rule 55 in weeks 16 & 18. Rule 59 outlines a fine has to be paid and the permitted time limit available to remedy such a breach in order to have those points deducted reinstated.

There has been no indication via three submitted weekly newsletters that the Warbank has rectified the breaches in Week 16 & 18. Result sheet in Week 19 is not showing a reinstatement of the deducted points. At the start of play last night the position remained the same.

Edited by ThePower on 21-04-2010 20:07

Posted by Shaggy on 21-04-2010 20:19

If the points are reinstated with a 5-5 Forum Warbank game and a 10-0 Eden Pot Luck game everyone will be on 97...

If the 4 points arent reinstated and on the basis of a confortable Forum win, I wouldnt want to be playing the Prop and giving 4 point start to the Eden vs Jolly.

Posted by longshanks on 21-04-2010 20:51

I wouldn't like to see a team get relegated on a points deduction (except Palace of course), so I hope the Warbank either get the points back or that it doesn't make a difference.

Posted by Shaggy on 21-04-2010 22:09

Agrree with everyone on this. I wouldn't want to see a team relegated on such an issue, however nobody would pay a fine until the end of the season if the punishment to payment, wasn't time based. We got a fine earlier in the seaon, we paid it, and had no idea whether it would mean anything or not.

Hope that the Warbank have got this in hand for there sakes.

Incidentally harsh is deducting 33% of Pot Lucks yearly points for the same reason!!!

Posted by ThePower on 21-04-2010 22:12

Your usual diplomatic response Mr Wates!

I guess one of the reasons this rule is in place is to prevent teams picking and choosing if or when points reinstatment is necessary.

Edited by ThePower on 21-04-2010 22:34

Posted by Pondlife on 21-04-2010 22:29

It is obviously a regular problem for Mark Harris to remember to post the result cards ! Can't the parrot be trained to deliver the cards personally in order to prevent a recurrence . It is only about 200 miles to Northampton and back, so it would have two weeks to complete the round trip in time for their next home match !! The money saved in postage could be spent on extra bird-seed which he would probably need to try and stay alive ! :lol:

Posted by GrantS on 21-04-2010 23:28

Tragically said Parrot would currently be grounded, or perish trying to get through the ash cloud...This Parrot is dead...ring any comedy bells to those over a certain age?

Posted by handbrake on 22-04-2010 01:34

at times the shots and the cues match was really good, at others not so good ,but always a joy to play agianst them good bunch of lads 5 all just bout fair

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 22-04-2010 18:18

In reply to all the warbank comments i for one will be really pissed off if we go down on points.

Its a regular thing the card going missing for the warbank not to sure what happens to it?!?!

The cheques have been sent off so its down to Mark and the league rules if we get these back.

If we do go down to the deducted 4 points i certainly will not be playing in Div2 for the winter that i know is 100% certain!

Its 4 cards in total this season we have had go missing 3 in the league and 1 in the league cup...

Posted by Shaggy on 22-04-2010 19:02

This came up a couple of years ago. Is there a need for cards any more?

They cost X amount per year for stamps, and in the days of email, scanning, digital cameras and camera phones surely it is not necessary. Most people receive the results by email or viay the web anyway.

As an alternative there must be some software that can be used to enable both captains to confirm the score and it be sent in an agreed format, to the League Secretary if a digital picture is not acceptable.

Its 2010 guys, come on.

Edited by Shaggy on 22-04-2010 19:12

Posted by EmDee on 23-04-2010 04:48

hear hear