Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: The Power your bang out of order!

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 24-04-2010 17:21

Our captain just called me to say that the power has contacted mark Halsey about our 4points due back to us which surprises me as it's fcuk all to do with him!

I actually thought unlike others you were a alright bloke but my views have obviously changed now trying to get my teams points docked!!

If your that concerned about staying in div 1 then turn up for your team matches simple as that and win them and then you wouldn't have to stick your nose onto other teams affairs!

As shaggy and emdee have said it's 2010 we haven't fielded any ringers or cheated the cards have just got lost in the postal system. Whyshould we lose points for that?!

Posted by Rambo on 24-04-2010 18:33

It's only a game!

Posted by Pondlife on 24-04-2010 19:17

Rule 53 of our constitution states that: Any team deducted points under Rule 49 will have the option of paying a ?5 fine per two points deducted WITHIN 14 days of the offence for the deducted points to be re-instated. If the fine is paid within the time limit,then the points will be re-instated. If the time limit for payment has expired,the ?5 option is then withdrawn and the points stay deducted. There really is no argument ! The existing rule is clearly defined ! There can only be one outcome, unless of course the ?5 payments were lost in the post as well !!

Posted by ThePower on 26-04-2010 00:46

Scott, you are correct I contacted Mark Halsey via email to ask for clarity about the deduction of your points. For the record, I don't need your permission to do that.

It seemed sensible following your post on Wednesday to seek Mark's clarification. I am sure just like us, the Imperials & Forum are keen to know where we all stand as we enter the remaining two weeks of the season.

At no point did I suggest to Mark Halsey that the Warbak are not entitled to have the points reinstated - so you owe me an apology. I am more than happy to send you a copy of the email which I sent to Mark.

I don't make the league rules, and I don't enforce the rules. I am with most people in agreeing it is a a harsh rule but that aside we have to all have to deal with what is currently in place. In all fairness its not the first time the Warbank has been penalised for lost scorecards and your team knew about the deduction weeks ago and did nothing. If you have lost the opportunity to rectify the position you don't have my sympathy vote.

Edited by ThePower on 26-04-2010 04:07

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 26-04-2010 16:19

I have spoken with the other teams down the bottom yesterday an they are not bothered at all?!

It seems u have an issue playing in div 2 are you saying your to good for that division now Mr Power?

Perhaps that's why your missing div 1 games so you do go into div 2 and perhaps might win a few games?

If you are after an apology I apologies but I think I'm correct in my rant as if I were in the eden, imps or forums shoes I would not give a dam?

The jolly have promised to smash you lot up last game of the season anyway :lol:

Posted by buntycollocks on 26-04-2010 17:36

SCORCHIO12 wrote:

The jolly have promised to smash you lot up last game of the season anyway :lol:

should be close then coz the Prop r coming 2 destroy u.....:roll:

Posted by ThePower on 26-04-2010 17:41

As I said Scott, the purpose of the email to Mark was to seek clarity before we entered the final two weeks. It was not intended to rattle your cage.

You keep on talking about life in Division 2. As a team we have never mentioned it once.

If members of the Jolly team want to post comments about sending the Eden down, that is fine with us, we find it quite funny. We have too much experience & can cope with a bit of gamesmanship. We are positive about what we have to take from the final two matches & thats all we are interested about, getting the job done.

Edited by ThePower on 26-04-2010 17:45

Posted by sailor on 26-04-2010 21:02


Rather than worry bout gamesmanship, think you should be glad Barry, Farron and the other guys have been around the majority of the season fighting hard, so that the rest of you have something to fight for.
We're just glad we are safe nice and early to not worry bout all this. :)
Forum, Eden, Imps and the Warbank boys, good luck for last 2 games, though i think the Imps have too much to do v Hotshots/Cuemasters

Posted by ThePower on 26-04-2010 22:50

Sailor, we are not worried about Chris Bensalem's comment and attempt last week to spice it up with a bit of gamesmanship. We found it very amusing.

Last time I looked, Barry & Farron were in the same team as me so not sure where the 'rest of you' comes into it. My commitment this season has not been to pool, and the rest of the team were aware of that before the start of the season. Three other squad players also now have young families but we have all tried to muck in when we could. Lansing turning up last week for example lifts the lads and a convincing victory follows. Thats what makes the Eden unique. ;)

Posted by Faz Da Fisher on 27-04-2010 16:43

In all fairness I don't agree with the rule but I back our secretary in asking Halsey where we stand which I am sure we are in our right to do so I have a copy of the email also and it does not once encourage you to be docked points we want a rough ideas how many frames we need to stay up simples.

As a team we all knew it would be a tough season as the more experienced edenites had other priorities and as the new breed of players we had to step up and be counted considering we have scrappedfor players it will be a fantastic achievement to survive which I am fairly confident of doing so.

I must add that I never thought I'd hear pat back the power lol and a special mention must go to young billy barnett for really stepping up at a tender age of 14. Especially with us taken away his honesty. I would of called the police on tony Venus touching him up but it seems billy plays all the more better for it looooool

Posted by buntycollocks on 27-04-2010 17:45

aint these emails meant 2 be confidential ? or am i missing the point ?

Posted by the-shark on 27-04-2010 18:01

at this important stage of the season i can understand that you would want to know exactly where you stand on the points side of things so if clarification of this is all that was asked i dont really see the problem ! surely as shaggy said there must be a better way to post the scores like email ect! far more effective and this way all results are posted faster and with no cost so surely this has to be looked at ASAP..