Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Croydon World Cup Streamed Pool Matches

Posted by TomT on 05-06-2010 21:52

Some of the games of the Semi and Final of the Croydon World Cup competition I have posted onto Croydonpool's new Youtube page which can be found here , the livestreaming is a work in progress but seems to be coming along nicely...

Edited by The_Saxtonator on 06-06-2010 00:48

Posted by The_Saxtonator on 06-06-2010 00:51

I have added a link to the Croydonpool YouTube site to the menu on the left underneath the CSL link

Posted by longshanks on 07-06-2010 20:30

Why is Jacko playing left-handed?

Posted by TomT on 07-06-2010 22:26

Lol I was wondering who would be the first to notice that! The camera that we recorded on gives a mirror image of what is actually happening so everything is reversed, except Jacko's dress sense, that will always be the same! :P

Posted by Spud on 08-06-2010 15:17

Tom. . . . Tom Tom Tom.....

Please refrain from digging people out for their fashion sense.

The clobber you turned up in on Sunday was criminal. CRIMINAL.

There are some parts of the world where you'd be publicly executed for such garish garments.


Posted by TomT on 08-06-2010 17:59

I thought I managed to pull of my rubix cube inspired shorts and flip flops off well, just a shame it was raining :bounce: