Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: AGM Penge Conservative Club Thurs 16/09

Posted by The_Saxtonator on 14-09-2010 07:15

Just a quick reminder that the AGM will be held this coming Thursday starting at 7:45

Posted by oddball on 18-09-2010 02:37

Hi all any intresting news from the AGM. Any new rules for us to learn. plus whens the kick-off for the Winter;)

Posted by Pondlife on 18-09-2010 22:36

I couldn't make the AGM as it was held on my birthday , so I cannot comment on the proceedings. However I can tell you that there is just a one-week gap between the end of the summer league and the start of the winter league !!

Posted by oddball on 19-09-2010 00:21

thanks pondlife i hope you had a good birthday;)

Posted by Faz Da Fisher on 20-09-2010 16:50

Can we request the minutes are posted on here