Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: DIVISION 1 WEEK 2

Posted by Pondlife on 20-10-2010 13:32

Pond Q's 8 Hot Shots 2
Our opponents turned up a man short but we still inflicted a heavy defeat on them !! A great win for us and a very acceptable start to the new season . Good Luck to our opponents for the remainder of the season ! I hope and trust that their attendance record will improve !! :clap:

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 20-10-2010 13:59

Prop 6 unpredicts 4

Posted by longshanks on 20-10-2010 18:40

Slates 6 - 4 Cuemasters

We were absolutely awful, especially me.

Posted by Faz Da Fisher on 20-10-2010 23:53

Eagles 7-3 rack pack

Not how the night should have gone could of
Nicked the win but that's what happens when chances don't get taken

Lovely serious foul from Tom Telford playing out of turn technically lol pmsl

Edited by Faz Da Fisher on 20-10-2010 23:53