Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 2- Week- 3

Posted by y_nk007 on 03-11-2010 07:09

Langley Sports. 3-7 The Better Halfs
Very gd win tonight for us over all. Jamie Kay took out a good break and dish in second set. good luck to langley sports for the rest of the season and look forward to the return fixture

Posted by Dogger on 03-11-2010 08:40

goodfellas 3 - 7 flying machine

good night had by all. great guys, see u in a few months

Posted by sparks on 04-11-2010 15:54

abandoned ship 3 - 7 warbank

Strange things going on with the table, still we will take the what ever way it comes.

My thanks to the ship boys, all hands on deck as they say.