Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 3 - Week 3

Posted by Welshy on 03-11-2010 15:32

Beechtree Revolution 7 - 3 The Seamen

A good result for us :D: however the result does paint a rather flattering scoreline. As me and Statto talked about the match after the Secretaries game, this could have ended up 9-1 to us, 9-1 to the Seamen or 5-5 (with all possible combinations in between) given with the exception of two racks, they all went to the wire.

2/2 for MJ :winkgrin: he'll love a mention for that Lol.

First time in a long while I can remember us actually winning more games in the second set compared to the first. We'll take the win and look forward to next weeks match with the Maple Tree

Always a laugh with Statto n the Seamen gang, will catch you in Penge later in the season, good luck for the seaon :handshake: (with the obvious exception of our match against each other :lol: )

Posted by speller on 03-11-2010 15:44

Maple tree 3-7 magnum force
bad result for us lastnight.
But the magnum took their chances.
Good laugh through out the night.
Good luck for the season

Posted by EmDee on 03-11-2010 16:14

speller wrote:
Good laugh through out the night.
Good luck for the season

^ this

:handshake: :hugs: :kiss:

Posted by The_Saxtonator on 03-11-2010 16:54

The View To 'A' Kill 3 The Lodgers 7