Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: DIVISION 1 WEEK 3

Posted by Pondlife on 03-11-2010 20:08

Propeller 6 Pond Q's 4
We deserved more than we got in this match ! There was an unfortunate incident in one game when MHM apparently gave a 30 second warning which was inaudible to the whole of our team, followed by an eventual time penalty . This cost us the frame and the draw !! How sad that the culprit is such a shy and retiring character ! Mark, you really should be more forceful and ensure that you are heard or you will never get a job at the bingo-hall !! Good luck to our opponents for the remainder of the season !!:clap:

Posted by Shaggy on 03-11-2010 23:05

Forum 2 Eagles 8

We haven't really got flowing yet but are getting the results which I suppose is the main thing.