Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 3 - Week 4

Posted by Welshy on 10-11-2010 15:21

Beechtree Revolution 3 - 7 Maple Tree

Not a good result for us this :no: even though we could well have been winning at the end of the first set. Wasnt to be and found ourselves 3-2 down. Kinda hit a downward spiral after that to give the final score.

Note to all, always have a shadow ref so when the home ref makes the correct call, like last night, the away ref can actually confirm the foul instead of having the away player cry murder :wall: as it leaves a bit of a dampner on the night. What comes around goes around and all that. Catch you later in the season.

Posted by miq on 10-11-2010 16:22

Magnum Force 6 - 4 View to A kill

Good match, the view boys played well, could easily have been a draw or worse so happy with the win :clapping:

Posted by Whatapisstake on 10-11-2010 21:25

Farley dukes 1-9 The wandering dogs (stu)
Great result we took out there mistakes great night had by all moment of the night mark bannister ( sober of course ) playing on the other table tenner a frame John hersey looked lighter when he left pmsl :-)
Craig just to say always have 2 refs mate maple tree do like to have there moments ;-)

Posted by GrantS on 10-11-2010 22:14

I had to leave early when we were 6 nil down, but can say well played the DOGs, excellent display, no excuses from us. A good night, with good atmosphere, look forward to the return Andy.

Posted by Shaggy on 10-11-2010 23:14

dotcom wrote:
Farley dukes 1-9 The wandering dogs (stu)
Great result we took out there mistakes great night had by all moment of the night mark bannister ( sober of course ) playing on the other table tenner a frame John hersey looked lighter when he left pmsl :-)
Craig just to say always have 2 refs mate maple tree do like to have there moments ;-)

Makes a change. John usually walks out of pubs 18 ozs heavier!;)

Posted by undercover on 11-11-2010 03:00

The Lodgers 3 Stelfs 7 , Great night by us. should have been 9-1 but thats the way the cookie crumbles.My first game 4 a month. And it was nice to kick Arse. Good luck to the Lodgers see you at our place, Sort the crap food out. Please:band::sick: