Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: 2011 Surrey Classic

Posted by bigdogdave on 06-01-2011 20:55

Right folks, as no one wanted to take over running the comps this year, Marcia Burnett offered to run the Classic in the hope someone make pick up the pieces for the rest of the year.

With little time left before the comp we are in hurry to give you something.

With that said, we are going to stick with the format that was used last year, which is Champions League style.

Depending on numbers you will be split into small groups of 4 or 5 and the top 2 will progress. to a straight knockout stage

Not sure at this stage whether there will be a Junior/Ladies comp - but its not like a load of you turn up. Marcia will confirm though

In Summary
everyone plays each other in a 3frame game (all 3 frames to be played)
Top 2 from group progress to 2nd round
Bottom 2 are eligible to enter the plate
2nd round is redrawn.
After the draw for the 2nd round there will be no further draws and it will take the format of a straight k/o

2nd round will be best of 5, later rounds dependant on entrants
No dress code
Surrey Singles 2011

Sunday, January 30th 2010
Riley?s Croydon
Restricted to Surrey eligible players only

Main event starts at 11am (doors open at 10am where registration will take place until 10.45. Draw will then take place)

If you pay before the comp it will reserve your spot, payment will be taken on the day as well but may be limited to first 64
Payment to Marcia Burnett, Dave Tootill, Simon Le Marchant or via paypal to [uri href=""][/uri]

Entry fee is ?10

We will be keeping an upto date list of entries on the site.

If you want to enter please let us know on that site in the relevant thread.

Edited by bigdogdave on 06-01-2011 21:23

Posted by BUNTER on 07-01-2011 20:56

Can you put Billy Barnett down for this comp please.

Posted by The Master on 08-01-2011 00:56

could you bung my name down dave goodall cheers baby!

Posted by bigdogdave on 17-01-2011 14:56
