Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: div 2.. week 10

Posted by jonny p on 26-01-2011 08:19

coomon the loyalists...great match against the fine fellows of the fliying machine...maybee should of been a 6-4 win to us or 5-5 but very happy with a 8-2 to us...on a note sorry about the longest frame in history by me...its all about the strongbowed fueled team

Posted by Dogger on 26-01-2011 16:22

55 minutes jon. 55 minutes.
yeah was good laugh last night, fair result should of been 6-4 or 5-5 as you said, i think we rattled 3 blacks and missed 2 or 3 easy EASY blacks. but you took your chances so well done.
i think your plan of putting us off with the foul smells you were creating last night worked.
we were due a week like that, we've had a bitta luck so far this season, gota have one week where nothing goes our way. bring on the ship and the second half of the season.

btw, has anyone got a copy of the second half fixtures?

Posted by Fat-Dart on 26-01-2011 17:36

Abandoned Ship 3 - Goodfellas 7

Went 4-0 up, only for me to knock a yellow in as I potted the black for 4-1 first half.
In the final frame though, at 6-3, Mark must have been watching my first frame, as he knocked the black in early handing us the last point.

Looking forward to the return match, see you back at ours!

Posted by TB on 26-01-2011 17:45

Langley Sports 7 - 3 Oakie Coakies