Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Coaching

Posted by chuckles on 15-03-2011 05:43

Yes the contentious coaching rule has raised its ugly head again. This time in tonight?s LC 2nd stage between Farley Loyalists and Slates snooker. The scenario is:
Player 1 breaks and goes in off.
Ref calls foul, one visit, open table.
Player 2 comes to the table, pots 2-3 yellow balls and then misses.
Ref calls one visit red.
Player 2, for whatever reason, does not hear the refs call and gets down to play another shot.
A team mate from player 2's team shouts out that it is only one shot from an in off on the break and that it player 1's shot.
I was reffing this one. To my shame, I didn't call a foul. A heated discussion went on for a few minutes with player 2's coachee saying that it not coaching, and was MORE than adamant about it because in the rules it says you can not play out of turn.
I new I had made a mistake by not calling it, but couldn't call it retrospectively.
My view of the rules is that if anyone affects the shot that would have been played by the person in control of the table, had the person not at the table said anything, it is coaching. Foul 2 visits.
Any one disagree?

Posted by Blockapocket on 15-03-2011 15:56

By now we all should have a good understanding of the rules.
And if the on coming player restarts the game following the call, He should know where he is in the game.
And if his team mates call out to pervent a foul ...:wall:


Edited by Blockapocket on 15-03-2011 16:00

Posted by Fat-Dart on 15-03-2011 16:44

Yes, it is coaching but unless it's been said at the start of the match as a 'block warning', then in this instance it could only be a "First and final warning'. A second occurrence would be a standard foul.

Extract from the EPA 'Guidance to Referees':
Coaching of any sort (even coaching that prevented a loss of frame foul being committed) can only be penalised via a standard foul, and then only if the warning has been issued.

Posted by Shaggy on 15-03-2011 18:43

I agree Mark, you cannot call a foul despite it being coaching. In every County game and any event in Yarmouth, a warning is issued en masse via the microphone of a 'first and final warning'. It should perhaps be put in the constitution that a first and final warning' is by default given, by virtue of a team entering a league.

That said if I was player 1, or the referee I would have stopped player 2 playing a shot. I still find it very strange that players knowingly allow people to commit fouls, when it is clear the other player is acting in good faith.

Its only a game lads, win fair.

Edited by Shaggy on 15-03-2011 18:48

Posted by nuttmeg on 15-03-2011 19:29

couldn't agree more

Posted by Teach on 15-03-2011 19:38

Well said Shaggy!!!

This is one of the reasons why this league is losing so many teams. Of course there is a need to be competitive but you can also be fair!

I'd love to hear why Martin feels guilty for not calling a foul.... perhaps he could've just reminded the player that he was about to play out of turn...

Edited by Teach on 15-03-2011 19:41

Posted by chuckles on 16-03-2011 00:10

Teach wrote:
Well said Shaggy!!!

This is one of the reasons why this league is losing so many teams. Of course there is a need to be competitive but you can also be fair!

I'd love to hear why Martin feels guilty for not calling a foul.... perhaps he could've just reminded the player that he was about to play out of turn...

I felt guilty because I missed the foul. I also agree that it would have been more sportsman like to let the player know. But at the end of the day he should know the rules. Any other standard foul results in 2 shots, why not this one.
I also agree that the 1st and final warning should be in the constitution. If it isn't, unscrupulous players will use it to coach with impunity.