Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: DIVISION 1 WEEK 17

Posted by Pondlife on 30-03-2011 19:14

Pond Q's 5 Rileys Snooker 5
Another boring score draw. Very disappointing result as we were 4-1 up after the first set. I think that we must have been distracted by the football . Always a good night against the Lewisham luvvies. We had to go away as we had played the reverse fixture in Purley Way earlier in the season !! Good luck to our opponents for the remainder of the season ! :clap:

Posted by Shaggy on 30-03-2011 19:29

Hotshots 2 Eagles 8.

Very very sad night if truth be told. Over the years we have had a number of season long battles with the Hotshots, and despite them being very competetive, we have always been respectful of each other abilities and as people.

The Hot Shots had 3 players last night, and were let down by 3 or 4 people that couldn't make it for variety of reasons.

I really felt for Lee Bushell who has been part of them from the word go, he was almost embarassed, and couldn;t wait for the season to end. Such a sad way to see a previously great team reach its inevitable end.

Because Hotshots had a couple of will they wont they turn up, (they didn't) we had two players trapse to Eltham and have no game. Its one of those things but is a bit grim. That said you cant blame the Hotshots boys that did turn up for anything. Its out of their hands.

Shame though.

Posted by longshanks on 30-03-2011 20:05

Cuemasters 4-6 Forum A

Another Jekyll and Hyde performance from us, we have been far too inconsistent in the league. Forum played pretty well especally John Bayliss.

Sad to see the Hot Shots demise, the Jolly have already folded and the word is the Patriots are playing their last season too. It will be a very different division next season.

Posted by Knocky on 30-03-2011 20:12

patriots 6 unpredictables 4
very dissappointing result for us,absolutly gutted,myself and fran should have won our games and from 4 3 up we just folded.i need a break.:wrong: