Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: LEAGUE CUP 1/4 FINALS

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 12-04-2011 15:25


Posted by longshanks on 12-04-2011 15:54

SCORCHIO12 wrote:

The Prop went 3-1 up, then we won won the next 3. After that it seemed destined to go to the final frame and a time foul by Mark Miller in the penultimate game made sure that it did. The decider was a battle of the Bloodhounds, Teach broke and had a chance to dish. He potted the first yellow only to see a red drop in to the opposite corner. Peter Knight wasted a shot early but took all the reds only to leave himself a tough black with the white on the cushion after an adrenalin rush. He potted the black for the win and then did a lap of honour to celebrate.

The Eagles and the Unpredictables both won and a voluble encounter between the Better Halves and the Rack Pack was 7-5 to the second division side when I left, after being 4-0 down. What was the (final) score?

Posted by Luke on 12-04-2011 16:04

Rack Pack 8 ? 7 Better Halves

Was a great game with some good pool played. The game swung in roundabouts. From 4-0 up, to 4-5 and 5-7 down. Then managed to pull the 3 frames out of the bag with the decider a fantastic break dish from Andy Telford. Gotta say it was one of the most entertaining pool matches I?ve been ininvolved in for a while.

Posted by Triple C on 12-04-2011 16:35


What I can I say... One of the most enjoyable games I've ever been involved in...

Was looking forward to this fixture as soon as I knew it had been confirmed for the simple reason that The Better Halfs have a great team spirit (like ourselves) and I knew the banter and atmosphere would be electric... I was not wrong!

This game had EVERYTHING...

We were quickest out of the traps and took a well deserved 4-0 lead with some very solid play. Then The Better Halfs suddenly woke up and showed massive heart and determination and below we knew what had happened they had taken the next five to lead!

Not to be out done in the passion and courage stakes we pulled back the final frame in the second set to level things and set up a grandstand final third set...

... and what a third set...

By the line-up they put out they were looking to put the tie to bed early and with some justification they took frames eleven and twelve with one being a magnificent brake and dish from their player of the night...

With them just needing one from the last three our backs were truly up against the wall but our never say die attitude kicked in once again with myself and Ray (who was super) taking the next two frames to set up a one frame sudden death winner takes all scenario...

Up steps the Legend that is Andy Telford who while all around everyone were exhausted from nerves and intensity showed great calmness and poise with a stupendous break and dish, cutting the black in (while everyone held their breath) with perfect pace so that it trickled into the pocket to cause an eruption of cheers and misplaced high fives! Phew!

As I said before banter and atmosphere were top notch and I loved every minute of it... absolutely awesome!

It?s a real shame that someone had to lose as both teams were awesome and contributed to a great night...

Roll on the semi-finals...

Come on The Rack Pack!

Edited by Triple C on 12-04-2011 16:36

Posted by Shaggy on 12-04-2011 18:04

Eagles 8 Patriots 5.

1 -0 up became 1-3 down, became 7-3 up, become 7-5. Tom had an outragous fluke to decide things. We played well in the middle stages of the match with 3 dishes pretty much on the spin.

Got a bit twitchy at the end, all that matters is we are through.

Prop v Rack Pack
Unpredictables v Eagles

Is it best of 15 still?

I am not used to playing on Mondays, very strange indeed!

Posted by longshanks on 12-04-2011 18:22

Still best of 15 I think, then final is 21.