Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Croydon B interleague squad

Posted by Blockapocket on 13-04-2011 23:33

This Sunday 17th April 2011

Croydon B VS Premier

We are Home at Rileys purley way match starts 7.15

There will be free practice tables for squad members from 6.00pm
thanks to rileys.

COME ON TNE Bs :thumb:

Posted by Blockapocket on 18-04-2011 14:42

Well done guys we played well to hold premier in the first to sets. 5-4 5-4 going down 10-8, but with alittle more table run and some good finishing thay had a good last set taking 7 of the 9 frames. and squeezing the win 17-10.

But a great team performance showing this year we are here to compete.

COME ON THE B's :thumb:

Posted by Knocky on 18-04-2011 23:31

who was the player who refused to shake hands after he lost and after the match,
my moneys on paul saxton:D:

Posted by Blockapocket on 19-04-2011 05:37

!!! QUOTE !!!
Premier 17 Croydon B 10
It was a tight game in the first two sets 5-4 5-4
to Premier,Then premier found a bit of form to take 7 of the last 9 frames well played guys.Agreed, was very tight and thought at one point would be like that to the end.

Good game and good company although just a shame one Croydon B player let their side down by not not only deliberately moving away after losing the last frame so not to shake up with all his team mates and their opponents but also not shaking up with his opponents during the match after losing his frames. Sure his fellow team mates don't give a stuff about how it looks on him personally but will be disappointed on how it is a negative against the rest of the team.

Know for a fact that if he does the same against certain other teams that they would not let is pass so lightly.

Other than that, a good match with a good bunch of lads!!


Edited by Blockapocket on 20-04-2011 00:31