Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: League cup semi final

Posted by Statto on 19-04-2011 05:57

Unpredictables 8-2 Eagles

A scoreline that no one predicted...and it all started so well for the Eagles...Mev Ali broke, went in off, and Metin Tomris cleared...1-0 Eagles. Ollie O'Boyle was on the black in frame 2, but jawed a double, leaving Chris Knock with a mountain to climb..but after potting most of his balls he managed to lay a snooker. Ollie failed to get out of it, and left a foul snooker to boot. One pick up, three pots, 1-1.

Frame 3 was no break and dish, but Francois Tertullien did manage to leave Shaggy with 7 balls on the table...and the bad run continued when Graf Bishop beat Andy Esgrove, and birthday boy Micky Samuels beat Sean Kelly...4-1 at the end of the first set.

One miss from Metin gave Mev the chance for a precision clearance to exact revenge for the first frame...5-1. A tactical exchange saw Tom Telford play a forward thinking df to try and put Chris Knock in trouble, but Chris df'd back to put the squeeze on Tom...Tom's attempt to retrieve the situation potted one of Chris's balls leaving an easy finish which Chris promptly messed up...but got out of jail free with the position and completed the job to make it 6-1.

Eagles were looking a bit shellshocked, so Tony Nuttman did an Alex Ferguson by saying "The last two are the hardest to get"...Fran v Shaggy again for frame 8...just before it started Mick Saunders commented to me "can lightning strike twice?". My reply - "he'd have to break dish" Fran promptly did...albeit with a fortunate kiss to keep position on his last ball...7-1 Unpredictables.

Andy Esgrove beat Micky Samuels to keep a faint hope alive, but a couple of wayward shots from Ollie let Graf in to finish the job..

A very enjoyable match to watch, with some top class pool on display from both sides...and all done in under 2 hours!!

Posted by nuttmeg on 19-04-2011 06:02

you were so lucky to win 8-2 should have been 8-3,congrats to the unplayables and good luck in the final

Posted by longshanks on 19-04-2011 15:59

What was the score in the other semi?

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 19-04-2011 16:12

longshanks wrote:
What was the score in the other semi?

Prop won 8-5

Posted by Knocky on 19-04-2011 16:18

very enjoyable match,although we had abit of luck in a few frames,i think we deserved the win against a very good team in the eagles,who were gracious in least they will probibly win the league.:clap:

Posted by Spud on 19-04-2011 16:32

The scoreline is very harsh on us, as some of the run that went against us was incredible. . . Summed up in Fran's Break&Dish when he had his head in his hands cursing himself for a poor shot, only to look back and find himself absolutley plum on his last 2 balls.
Was it Fate? Maybe. . .
However, run or no run, The Unpredictables took their chances, and the best team won.
We can have no complaints, especially in the 2nd five frames, as we had a couple of glaring chances only to miss.
Will be a very good final to watch. The Prop have been consistent all season so makes for a cracking final.

Well done lads, and good luck for the final X

Posted by Spud on 19-04-2011 16:33

AND . . . .If the Unpredictables win, Knocky can change his signature !!! :D:

Posted by longshanks on 19-04-2011 16:45

Bit like man ure isn't it Spud? Treble chasers end up with one pot only, unless they blow the championship as well.

Posted by Teach on 19-04-2011 16:47

Spud wrote:
AND . . . .If the Unpredictables win, Knocky can change his signature !!! :D:

Have a sneaky feeling that the Prop will win the final.... but don't worry Chris.... I changed my signature instead!! lol :D:

Posted by Teach on 19-04-2011 16:50

longshanks wrote:
Bit like man ure isn't it Spud? Treble chasers end up with one pot only, unless they blow the championship as well.

Whoa!!! That's a bit unnecessary!! Loving the new Phil... lol:blah:

Posted by andye on 19-04-2011 17:21

congrats to the unpreds beating us last night. we
had our chances but didn't take them where they did
echo what spud said but fair play to fran
as sometimes you make your own luck!
teach us how you do that fran!

good luck in the final, i never wanna lose a match but would always chose the unpreds if i had to, a team of genuine happy go lucky people

Knock Out Cup Runners-Up 2011 :trophytwo:& League Cup Semi-finalists 2011:trophythree:

Posted by longshanks on 19-04-2011 17:23

... and not one moan about the table.

Posted by Metin250 on 19-04-2011 17:34

longshanks wrote:
Bit like man ure isn't it Spud? Treble chasers end up with one pot only, unless they blow the championship as well.

Yeah may only end up with 1 pot, but its the pot that everyone wants!!!!!!!

Well played last nite unpredicts, class side and deserved there win. Good players throughout the side and the 2nd best turk in croydon:bite:
I hope u guys go on and win it now as u have been the 2nd best team in the league imo!!
Well done.

Metin Tomris doubles last 16 2011:lame:

P.s. Table was still rubbish but room was warm:D:

Posted by Spud on 19-04-2011 17:39

longshanks wrote:
Bit like man ure isn't it Spud? Treble chasers end up with one pot only, unless they blow the championship as well.

AHAHAH Someone's had their Shreddies thias morning :-)

Of course we were treble chasing. . . .
But so were you guys, and the Prop, and the Unpredictables, and the Patriots. . . .

Just goes to show how difficult winning a treble actually is !!!

I'm sure someone of a finer vintage than myself can confirm this, but I think the treble has only ever been done twice in the CDPL history.

Posted by andye on 19-04-2011 17:54

they were both easy really...!!!

Knock Out Cup Runners-Up 2011 :trophytwo:& League Cup Semi-finalists 2011:trophythree:

:trophyone::trophyone::trophyone: 1998 & 2006

Edited by andye on 19-04-2011 17:55

Posted by RasFas on 19-04-2011 21:28

andye wrote:
good luck in the final, i never wanna lose a match but would always chose the unpreds if i had to, a team of genuine happy go lucky people

:blush: That's the nicest thing you've ever said on here - EVER!

I'm going to print this thread and show it to Mick.

Always a scary prospect coming up against the Eagles, especially over distance, but sometimes that helps... I had butterflies all day yesterday and although it showed a bit :judge: towards the end of both my games, I thought I played pretty well. Not many people can say they got 2/2 against Shaggy!

The Eagles will deservedly win the league so a big thank you to them for giving us a sniff at the cup. :handshake:

Posted by Macca on 19-04-2011 22:39

please put ya tongue away