Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 1 Week 20

Posted by longshanks on 20-04-2011 05:22

Cuemasters 6-4 Hot Shots

We just about scraped five players together, they only had four. The pool was so bad I'm not sure why we bothered.

Posted by Shaggy on 20-04-2011 14:46

Eagles 5 Patriots 5.

Average most of the time.

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 20-04-2011 15:52

prop 6 forum 4

Posted by Pondlife on 20-04-2011 23:23

Rileys Rack Pack 3 Pond Q's 7
A very enjoyable evening spent in the company of the Rack Pack lads . The match went away from them very quickly as we won the first set 5-0 . But still they retained their good humour and ,in so doing gained a lot of respect !! Looking forward to playing them again in the summer league . I am certain that,if they do go down,they will return very very soon !! :clap:

Posted by Pondlife on 22-04-2011 23:06

As it looks like Mark is on holiday,here is the updated table :
Rileys Eagles 128
Propeller 127
Unpreds 123
Cue Masters 118
Patriots 118
Forum 109 +1
Rileys Snooker 101
Pond Q's 101
Hot Shots 89 +1
Rack Pack 86
Bye(Ex Jolly) 0
Bye 0