Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Winter League Presentation 30/07 19:30

Posted by Site Team on 28-07-2011 06:38

We would like to bring to your attention that the evening is for the benefit of all League Members whether or not they have trophies to collect as the presentations form only a small part of the evening's entertainment. It has always been intended for the evening to be an "END OF SEASON PARTY NIGHT" but unfortunately it seems that it has interpreted in the past for Trophy Winners and Runners-Up only and this is definately not the case. EVERYBODY AND THEIR GUESTS ARE WELCOME.

All unclaimed trophies will go to charity

If you/your team cannot attend to collect your trophies, please make arrangements to have someone else collect them on your behalf or contact a committee member to have them put to one side

Posted by Kermy on 28-07-2011 22:14

Where is it and what time does it start

Posted by Pondlife on 28-07-2011 23:34

The presentation evening will be held at Penge Conservative Club 56 Croydon Road on this Saturday evening at 8pm.

Posted by Kermy on 29-07-2011 00:42

Thanks Pat. Cant believe the site team put it up without no date,time or venue. Ask my sec tues and he wasnt sure,and his on the committee. Whats the world coming too.:o