Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: New Pool Movie

Posted by the flash on 28-07-2011 06:53

Trailer for the new pool movie -


Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 28-07-2011 15:29

Superb!!! :clap:

Posted by Knocky on 28-07-2011 18:03

jon hoy for the oscars.frans facial (priceless):lol:

Posted by sparks on 28-07-2011 18:30

Jon hoy for Oscar, best actor Mev best supporting act Franny.....Box Office block buster.
Rapeseed!!! :judge:

Posted by Luke on 28-07-2011 18:49

When's the Premiere?!

Seriously though, top work Johnny boy. If only you put that much effort into playing the game! :rofl: