Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Winter League AGM - 08/09/2011

Posted by Site Team on 08-09-2011 14:54

at Penge Conservative Club, 55 Croydon Rd, Penge (from 7.45pm)

Posted by jacko on 09-09-2011 15:14

good meeting last nite,pleased with rankins points change ..extra 1/4 point for div1 league win n points reduced to 2 1/2 for doubles win....sum guys wer thinkin id shot myself in the foot with the doubles point change as they pressumed my sole intention woz 2 make sure a div1 player won the rankins but this is not so, i just want rankins 2giv a truer reflection on our order ov merit...i proposed doubles got taken out ov it last year(failed by 1vote) so im happy 2 settle 4a reduction in points n hopefully now whoever plays the best pool next year wil rise 2the top n we dont get false reults like wev ad the last couple ov years :angel:

Posted by Mr Cee on 09-09-2011 16:34

False Results....! What exactly do you mean by that?


Edited by Mr Cee on 09-09-2011 16:35

Posted by jacko on 10-09-2011 01:48

calm down C aint avin a dig u..theres no denyin u n any other previous winners ov rankins av done wel 2win it,my actual point is how unfair its been on the guys who rack up the most individual points n dont win it coz the doubles points av twisted the outcome wen doubles r clearly not an individual event hench i tried 2 remove it from rankins b4..admittedly ima bit bitter coz iv prob won the most points individually many times but the doubles as fckd me way way 2 often..think now we may get a truer reflection hopefully :angel:

Posted by andye on 10-09-2011 18:34

there should be more points for div 1
there should be some points for doubles
there should be some points for team ko (if you have them for doubles)
there should be points for 2nd frame played )or a percentage system put in place)

complicated maybe but there have been some 'interesting' winners in the past!