Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Carom (Three-Cushion Billiards)

Posted by Chuckie on 26-09-2011 04:36

Some videos of the game:


I've gathered the basic rules but does anyone know of any tables/competitions in this country? Apparently it's quite popular in Europe (easy money).


Posted by the flash on 26-09-2011 15:55

Only ever seen tables in the US, never seen a table in any club in this country. The proper tables are lighting fast and the balls are 9 ball size or bigger.

In addition to that the more important thing is the game is so f****** boring !!!!!!!

Posted by andye on 26-09-2011 18:27

not seen any over here, only in seen them europe and south america....

it's a lot harder then it looks trust me, you'd get smashed...!!!

it's on eurosport a bit, i know the commentators!

Posted by Chuckie on 26-09-2011 20:36

the flash wrote:
In addition to that the more important thing is the game is so f****** boring !!!!!!!

Any cue sport is boring to watch? UK 8 ball is extremely boring! This game looks more frustrating than boring though.

andye wrote:
it's a lot harder then it looks trust me, you'd get smashed...!!!

Fair enough? Maybe I could become future world champion at Russian Billiards instead?

Or maybe some other cue sport that I am yet unaware about?

Posted by Rainbow on 26-09-2011 21:03

theres a club in New Malden that has tables (plural
), its quite popualr in there, seems. Couldn't start to believe it would be as popular anywhere else!

Posted by Chuckie on 26-09-2011 23:25

Thanks Paul.

I doubt it?s worth driving to Kingston on Themes to potentially become world champion though.

My 100th post on! :drunk:

Edited by Chuckie on 26-09-2011 23:29