Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 1 - Week 1

Posted by Nature Boy on 12-10-2011 04:27


Posted by Knocky on 12-10-2011 05:11

unpredictables 5 pond q 5
fair result,good luck to pats merry men for rest of season.

Posted by Pondlife on 12-10-2011 05:17

Frames Unpredictables 5 Pond Q's 5

Honours even against the pride of Crawley. Several members of our team were suffering from travel- sickness. Nevertheless we managed to achieve quite a creditable draw. In our last match of the summer season we were walloped 8-2 by the same opponents so a draw is not that bad !! We had some good laughs and the whole match was played in a very good atmosphere . Good Luck to Mick and the boys for the remainder of the season !! :clap:

Posted by longshanks on 12-10-2011 05:22

Eagles 5 - 5 Cuemasters

Honours even. Probably about fair but we were 4-2 and 5-3 up so a bit disappointed not to get the win.

Posted by Blockapocket on 12-10-2011 07:08

Forum A 5 Waddon wizards 5

Posted by Metin250 on 12-10-2011 08:51

always gonna be a tough start to season playing cuemasters but im sure they would have taken that before hand and was a fair result as we both missed chances and we r happy with 5 all being 5-3 down !
ps anyone wana offer potter free coaching lessons as he loves any help he can get? just dont hi five him coz your hand will break!!

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 12-10-2011 15:14

Blockapocket wrote:
Forum A 5 Waddon wizards 5

Steve failed to mention on his return to see the wizards he wore his old wizards top which helped him acheive two defeats on the night. Chin up :D:

Posted by nuttmeg on 12-10-2011 18:42

metin250 wrote:
ps anyone wana offer potter free coaching lessons as he loves any help he can get? just dont hi five him coz your hand will break!!

lol lol lol

Posted by Teach on 12-10-2011 21:02

Deegan wrote:
More issues in our game last night (what is it about us recently ???) when someone shouted out in the middle of Mr Taylor's visit about the 1 minute rule when we were not even using the clock, and also I don't believe cheering white balls in is the thing to do ??? - bad form ! :wrong:

I think I may be just the person to address this issue. Last season, we were accused of unsportsmanlike behaviour by the legion..... I agree there is a fine line that can be crossed on occasions. I do, however, feel that it is unfair to criticise teams who are competitive and who are going for honours. If teams want to treat Tuesdays as a social gathering, then fair play to them, but we should also respect those who want to achieve and be successful..... ok teaching rant over!!! lol

And if the Better Halves would like any advice, I'm available and willing to help out for a small nominal fee!! :lol:

Edited by Teach on 12-10-2011 21:03

Posted by BUNTER on 12-10-2011 21:19

Prop 8 - 2 Flying machine

could of been 10 nil if gary and peter didnt CHOP!!!!

Posted by Kermy on 12-10-2011 22:37

Flying Machine 2 Prop 8 Apparently we are now legends in biggin hill,for being the first team to clear all the grub. And boy do they put a spread on. But we have the SWETTS(the man can eat). Just a shame he cant dish on the pool table like he does on the food table otherwise hed be unbeatable.

Posted by Teach on 12-10-2011 23:08

To be honest Steve, I was making a slightly different point.

But I absolutely agree with all the points you have listed. It is unsportsmanlike and does completely cross the line!!

I actually play for the Better Halves on a Wednesday, so I will be keenly awaiting their take on it all later tonight......

Posted by Macca on 13-10-2011 00:05


Posted by jacko on 13-10-2011 01:45

pride of Crawley...thatsa pretty good1 pat...we wer massively flattered to geta 8.2 at end ov summer league n kinda fil 5.5 woz a tad unfair 2 us this time round...match played ina good spirit and always a pleasure playing the pond...n yes mr deegan make u right dear boy tis not the done thing :angel:

Posted by longshanks on 13-10-2011 03:54

What did you rake that up for Teach? It was all smoothed over at the presentation night.
Cheering the white in-off is bang out of order.