Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Knockout Cup 1st Round

Posted by Welshy on 25-10-2011 04:08

Beechtree Boshers 2 -6 Magnum Force

Fair play the Magnum Force guys took out some good finishes but some of the games couldve gone either way. Can't argue with the result though :clap:

Brian Clarkes black for the win was something else, top bunch the Magnum Force, good luck for the remainder of the season :handshake:

2/2 for myself to avenge a terrible week last week

Posted by No1 Nugget on 25-10-2011 04:54

prop 6 v 2 Rileys legends

well done to the prop tonight they deserved the win:clap: 3 2 down in the first set had chances to take the lead in the first set really unlucky in some of the frames but the prop were the better team as they took the next 3 games and it was all over well played lads good luck in the next round,

well at least we go into the plate now never been in the plate bring on the first round

Posted by Foxy on 25-10-2011 14:06

Farley Small Pots 4 - 6 MOTs

After losing against the MOTs last week in the league we were determined to put on a better show last night...but it wasn't quite to be.

Losing 4-1 at the end of the first set we really had to start fighting back but at the end of the 8th frame it was only the Small Pot girlies, myself, Dianne and Claire that had won a frame!!! But John saved it for the boys by winning the 9th.

Great fun playing the MOT's again and we look forward to meeting them again in the 2nd half of the season. Good luck in the next round guys

Posted by jacko on 25-10-2011 15:48

unpredictables 6 another view 0 ...nice bunch ov guys shame the result werent a fairer reflection ov the match,wel played the german our over 90s world chumpion,i liked ur gameplan ov doin 63 accidental fouls n sneakin in the bak door at the end(he does luv a bak door)...cant believe the farley small pots r out(fink we should av another meeting) ...not really foxy im jokin im jokin :angel:

Posted by Blockapocket on 25-10-2011 17:46

Forum (A) 6 Farley dukes 2

Forum went 2-0 down, great start from the dukes.
and some of the other frames where closer the the score line shows
unlucky guys.
dean cooper top gear son :thumb:

Posted by beardy on 25-10-2011 23:39

Rileys Snooker 4-6 View A

Not the best display of pool you will ever see from either side.
Still a win is a win!