Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: league cup group 4 week 3

Posted by No1 Nugget on 16-11-2011 06:22

Rileys{farley} Legends 8 v 2 the peng con boys:handshake:

great start taking the first 2 could of taken the third but a great fight back from the peng boys bringing it to 2 2:clap: then left to me to make it 3 2 up in the first set, second set a white wash 5 0 and we absolutly terrised them,:boxer:

well played peng boys really think they will win their division, just not strong enough against us:bow:, did tell you that jason who did win his game,:clap:

well JASON i will wait for your reply if he does:P

pat what was your score as it looks like it will be us and you for top spot

Edited by No1 Nugget on 16-11-2011 06:30

Posted by Statto on 16-11-2011 08:03

Neil, fair play, the best team won on the night...not sure that 8-2 was a fair reflection, but you certainly deserved to win....

don't think you TERRORISED (that's the correct us in the second poor shot and the black in off early doors cost us the last two frames....

Oh...a small point of grammar...referring to me (IN CAPS), then talking about me in the third person doesn't work in the same sentence...."If YOU reply" is the correct way to do it....and Penge has an "e" on the's on all the sheets!!!

However, it is plain that your pool is far better than your grasp of the English language, and your team deserved the win....fully expect to see you get through to the second stage...not sure you will have such a good time against the Pond Q's though...

We will console ourselves with the thought that this kind of result is better in the cup than the

Edited by Statto on 16-11-2011 08:06

Posted by No1 Nugget on 16-11-2011 16:20

jason many thanks for the teaching lesson:violin: but however you put it we still beat you:boxer: and i reckon we will beat the pond q for that top spot but should be a good game looking forward to it but still a long way to go to that game in january,

wish you guys well in your division i personally feel you will have no problems winning your division, hopefully we will meet again, good luck :thumb:

Posted by Pondlife on 16-11-2011 16:50

Pond Q's 6 Dropas Babies 4

A win is a win I suppose. No sour grapes but it was only our B team. Three no-shows from players who are normally automatic selections. I was quite impressed by our opponents who are a very decent group of young men,two of whom come all the way from Crawley to play. Possibly they could be snapped up by the Unpredictables who might be able to play more matches at the correct time with some new players !! Good luck to them for the remainder of the long and hard season ! :clap:

Posted by Pondlife on 16-11-2011 17:36

The current table is:-

Pond Q's 21
Rileys Leg Ends 21
Dropas Babies 12
Penge Con Boys 11
Flying Machine 8 + 1 result
Untouchables 7 + 1 result

Next season I am changing the name of the team to Aadvark A so that in the event of a tie we will always be top !!

Posted by Dogger on 16-11-2011 18:51

5 - 5 for us pat.

good game, had a good laugh with the untouchables. hopefully see them soon. all the best to them for the league.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 16-11-2011 19:25

league cup week 3 group 4 table updated

Pond Q's 21
Rileys Legends 21
Flying machine 13
Untouchables 12
Dropas Babies 12
Penge Con Boys 11

next games
Rileys v Untouchables
Pond Qs v Flying machine
Penge con Boys v Dropas Babies

looking like its going to go down to the last game between us and the pond qs cant wait as we havent played them before, but another division 1 team so should be another difficult game,