Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Group 2 League cup

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 16-11-2011 18:10

Wizards 9-1 Plan B

In my absence the witty wizards got a great result. well done lads

Posted by miq on 16-11-2011 18:31

Magnum Force 7 - 3 Another View

We had an early scare and was 2 - 1 down but we recovered well.

Good luck to the Another view boys for the rest of their season

Posted by EmDee on 16-11-2011 19:04

Big Ben Ten wrote:
In my absence the wizards got a great result.

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 16-11-2011 23:59

Were u busy at work today then Martin.......?

Posted by Teach on 17-11-2011 00:34

Big Ben Ten wrote:
Were u busy at work today then Martin.......?

Haven't you seen unemployment figures recently!! :lol:

Posted by EmDee on 17-11-2011 16:54

hahah yeah it took me ages to link to that picture...

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 18-11-2011 17:28

though you would of drawn it in paint

Posted by EmDee on 18-11-2011 17:57

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 18-11-2011 21:23

i have never heard of it. how do those glasses stay up?

Posted by EmDee on 18-11-2011 22:36

Big Ben Ten wrote:
how do those glasses stay up?

Posted by EmDee on 18-11-2011 22:38

Posted by Fat-Dart on 21-11-2011 19:50

Big Ben Ten wrote:
how do those glasses stay up?

Good point. At least this chap has ears...

Edited by Fat-Dart on 21-11-2011 19:51