Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Div 1 wk 5

Posted by longshanks on 23-11-2011 06:30

Pond Q 2-8 Cuemasters

First game set the tone for the night, long drawn out affair which we managed to sneak. We dug in well tonight and although it wasn't pretty it was a great result.

Posted by Blockapocket on 23-11-2011 06:43

Forum A 4 Unpredictables 6

Posted by nuttmeg on 23-11-2011 08:06

Eagles 8 Foreign legion 2 crap game against probably the nastiest team in the league,lucky bastards to get two frameswe are gutted we have to play this horrible team again in the second half, especially Deegan,Brooker & Taylor horrible,horrible people.

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 23-11-2011 18:51


We were 2 nil up to then lose the next 8.

poor standard in majority of frames played, both sides giving clear chances to either player.


Posted by Kermy on 24-11-2011 00:25

Poor standard from both sides,i must of been watching a different match. Thought Mark Miller and Peter Knight were a class apart,both getting 2/2. We gave u the first 2 games which we should of won,only Ian Davids break and almost dish was probaly the only game u shouldve won.

Posted by Brooker on 24-11-2011 01:48

Highlight of the match was Shaggy getting terrible a kick in his second frame, but then playing that bad someone was always gonna kick him sooner or later.

Ok, he still managed to win both his frames though.

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 24-11-2011 02:28

Kermy wrote:
Poor standard from both sides,i must of been watching a different match. Thought Mark Miller and Peter Knight were a class apart,both getting 2/2. We gave u the first 2 games which we should of won,only Ian Davids break and almost dish was probaly the only game u shouldve won.

Hence the work MAJORITY! Tut tut... :roll:

and again i stated the poor standard of the frames, hence why we won them :roll:

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 24-11-2011 16:07

rileys snooker 6 - 4 wizards