Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: League cup week 4 group-8

Posted by Special K on 14-12-2011 19:39

The better halfs 9 eagles bird 1

Great match half way thru the game we went 4-1 up only to see the eagles bird decide to walk out lol I never seen that b4 all coz we wanted to eat food that kindly our boozer supplies terrible really how cud u jus walk out half way thru a match? No team play what so Eva let's jus say maybe they new there was no way bk at 4-1 and took a quick exit lol big shout out to Steve b for doing a great spread last nite and the table was running pukka mate!

Posted by Knocky on 15-12-2011 00:50

whats happening to our league,surely they wouldnt have walked out caus you wanted to eat.that will probibly kick them out of the comp,unreal.

Posted by undercover on 15-12-2011 02:39

What can i say. Sorry about what happened last night. As a player from the Eagle birds . I was very embarrassed about my team mates attitude ,As ive been a player in the League for many years, Ive never seen anything like this before, Good luck for the rest of the season guys.

Posted by Luke on 15-12-2011 09:12


Posted by Special K on 15-12-2011 16:29

Well under cover I like ur style mate at least u was man e nuff to admit it total respect for that mate! Oh and wots with all the chickens? Pretty bad? :?: