Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: division 3 week 8

Posted by No1 Nugget on 21-12-2011 07:29

Rileys{Farleys} Legends 9 v 1 farley small pots:handshake:

our first derby game vs the small pots really enjoyed the game tonight had a great laugh with the farleys:hugs: as always took the first set 4 1 which should of been 5 but peter messed up with 2 shots on the black as cathy punished him well done cath but happy with the second set as we stormed ahead:D: spence will no doubt tell you different as he should of won his game but bottled the black unlucky mate get some practise in for the next time we meet lol:blah: well played mate good luck to you and the rest of the small pots for the rest of the season really do mean that great bit of banter,

happy christmas to everybody hope you all have a good one see you all in the new year,

Edited by No1 Nugget on 21-12-2011 07:33

Posted by JugglingSpence on 21-12-2011 11:17

neil wrote: spence will no doubt tell you different as he should of won his game but bottled the black unlucky mate get some practise in for the next time we meet lol:blah:

Well, of course I will. Mainly because you've already admitted that you lot should have lost it, so that should have been 3-2 in the first. You also forgot to mention the shocking display from the home ref- 3 times there was no foul called until asked and then it turned out it was a foul. Clearly seen by the home ref but not called. All in frame 1!

Just so that you know for the future, you aren't refereeing just for your own team. Sportsmanship demands impartiality (remember Cathy calling a foul on herself and NOT trying to get away with it). Never seen any team stoop to that in all my years in Croydon.

That wasn't exclusive to my frame- you tried to get away with not calling a foul in the 2nd frame at a key moment as well but luckily our ref saw it so you didn't get away with it that time either.

You really should be ashamed. Perhaps read 'sportsmanship- lesson 1 before our next match.

As I said earlier, that ginger hair of yours is giving everything a rose tint. Perhaps a haircut might help you see things in the same way as the rest of us. Not overly confident though...

Good result for you, certainly far better than you deserved but well done for taking your chances. 3 or 4 frames could have gone either way and with a slightly better run of the balls they would have. Also, well done for getting 5 players out, a feat you've not pulled off for a while so a sure sign on respect.

Edited by JugglingSpence on 21-12-2011 11:20

Posted by Welshy on 21-12-2011 14:15

Beechtree Boshers 7-3 Woodside Social

Good win for us to finish 2011 :D: Didn't start too well as we lost the first two but ended up 3-2 up at the break. Woodside came back to 3-3 before we ran off the last 4 to get the 7, or a brand new slated table, that must be our christmas present lol :lol:

Doubles from myself, jonesy n zoe. Roll on 2012

Merry christmas and catch you all in 2012 :winking:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 21-12-2011 16:15

JugglingSpence wrote:
neil wrote: spence will no doubt tell you different as he should of won his game but bottled the black unlucky mate get some practise in for the next time we meet lol:blah:

Well, of course I will. Mainly because you've already admitted that you lot should have lost it, so that should have been 3-2 in the first. You also forgot to mention the shocking display from the home ref- 3 times there was no foul called until asked and then it turned out it was a foul. Clearly seen by the home ref but not called. All in frame 1!

Just so that you know for the future, you aren't refereeing just for your own team. Sportsmanship demands impartiality (remember Cathy calling a foul on herself and NOT trying to get away with it). Never seen any team stoop to that in all my years in Croydon.

That wasn't exclusive to my frame- you tried to get away with not calling a foul in the 2nd frame at a key moment as well but luckily our ref saw it so you didn't get away with it that time either.

You really should be ashamed. Perhaps read 'sportsmanship- lesson 1 before our next match.

As I said earlier, that ginger hair of yours is giving everything a rose tint. Perhaps a haircut might help you see things in the same way as the rest of us. Not overly confident though...

Good result for you, certainly far better than you deserved but well done for taking your chances. 3 or 4 frames could have gone either way and with a slightly better run of the balls they would have. Also, well done for getting 5 players out, a feat you've not pulled off for a while so a sure sign on respect.

spencer get a grip son you got the 2 shots in the first frame and you bottled it son in fact you had 2 shots twice in the first , and yes well played to cathy calling a foul on her self as i missed it but you got the fouls you deserved and to be honest i think your just trying to find excuses for your bad display last night, have a great xmas mate see you in the new year,

Posted by EmDee on 21-12-2011 19:05

JugglingSpence wrote:
Never seen any team stoop to that in all my years in Croydon. tried to get away with not calling a foul in the 2nd frame at a key moment as well but luckily our ref saw it so you didn't get away with it that time either.
You really should be ashamed.

There should be no place for this sort of behaviour in the League

JugglingSpence wrote:well done for getting 5 players out

Retinal scans and fingerprint data submitted for verification.

Posted by JugglingSpence on 21-12-2011 21:01

Neil wrote:
Blah, blah, blah

Wow. I got the fouls ONLY after asking. For one of them I was staring at you with 'you're line' look whilst you looked back in silence with a look that said 'can I get away with this.'

Seeing as you are struggling with reffereeing so much I'll give you a lesson on the next home match. Get you up to speed.

For my frame, I overscrewed the cueball by about 4" when pulling it back 3/4 of the length of the table & left a risk of an in-off which is why I rattled the black. That's not bottling it, fool. It does mean that I didn't take my chance to win (hence you guys shouldn't have had a chance to win it & therefore were lucky to get one).

For the 2nd, remember Peter nearly potting the black & white together but the black just stayed out? That's pretty lucky on its own! Especially seeing as both of my balls were over that pocket.

All in all a very lucky result for you guys but luck evens itself out over the course of the season.

I really hope you are brave enough to have a crack at playing me on the return fixture, although I fear you will demonstrate bottling it then.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 21-12-2011 21:41

JugglingSpence wrote:
Neil wrote:
Blah, blah, blah

Wow. I got the fouls ONLY after asking. For one of them I was staring at you with 'you're line' look whilst you looked back in silence with a look that said 'can I get away with this.'

Seeing as you are struggling with reffereeing so much I'll give you a lesson on the next home match. Get you up to speed.

For my frame, I overscrewed the cueball by about 4" when pulling it back 3/4 of the length of the table & left a risk of an in-off which is why I rattled the black. That's not bottling it, fool. It does mean that I didn't take my chance to win (hence you guys shouldn't have had a chance to win it & therefore were lucky to get one).

For the 2nd, remember Peter nearly potting the black & white together but the black just stayed out? That's pretty lucky on its own! Especially seeing as both of my balls were over that pocket.

All in all a very lucky result for you guys but luck evens itself out over the course of the season.

I really hope you are brave enough to have a crack at playing me on the return fixture, although I fear you will demonstrate bottling it then.

brave to face you dont make me laugh:D: mate you wouldnt stand a chance against me:boxer: you couldnt even beat my worst player let alone facing me why didnt you put your name down against me cause you were to scared to thats why you wanted to play the other 2 cause you thought you had a chance to beat them admit it, :bow:

Posted by JugglingSpence on 21-12-2011 23:16

Strange, I thought I played your best player first last night...

We won't have wait too long to find out how brave you. If you are man enough then you'll get a chance to see how scared I am... I would have taken you on last night but I only get 2 frames and I fancied a challenge. Plus the girls wanted to give you a game. Now I do....

Words will only get you so far.

Posted by sk8shaun on 22-12-2011 01:33

ok ok! wait a min , the tree tunk trying to cheat no way! really? NEIL you should know better than that 1st you sign up your left bollock so u have 5 players and now now not calling your fouls bruv! sad days for a div! spence would smash you. your as bad as my nan and she aint got no arms! anyway hows da milk baby boy did you like my bedtime story! i hear you found out who i am lol you mug didnt shaun give it away???

NEIL HALL = NUMPTY (a nice simple one for a simple person)

2008 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2009 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2010 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2011 neil hall numpty of the year :trophytwo:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 22-12-2011 03:25

[quote]sk8shaun wrote:
ok ok! wait a min , the tree tunk trying to cheat no way! really? NEIL you should know better than that 1st you sign up your left bollock so u have 5 players and now now not calling your fouls bruv! sad days for a div! spence would smash you. your as bad as my nan and she aint got no arms! anyway hows da milk baby boy did you like my bedtime story! i hear you found out who i am lol you mug didnt shaun give it away???

shaun dont need to cheat mate and spence beat me lol:D: the way he plays hahaahaha dont know what spencer you going on about and whats with the mouth and why you getting involved in our division mate stick to your division and your team who is it now cant be dropas babies cause you sold them out then the misfits felt for you and took you in as to be honest needed some more decent players lol cant wait for the sarcastic reply lol

if not have a good xmas and a good new year

Posted by Cyber The Crucifier on 22-12-2011 05:11

William 2 Folly 8

Posted by JugglingSpence on 22-12-2011 05:48

neil wrote:
shaun dont need to cheat mate and spence beat me lol:D: the way he plays hahaahaha dont know what spencer you going on about and whats with the mouth and why you getting involved in our division mate stick to your division and your team who is it now cant be dropas babies cause you sold them out then the misfits felt for you and took you in as to be honest needed some more decent players lol cant wait for the sarcastic reply lol

if not have a good xmas and a good new year

WTF? To be honest, i dont know where to start with this. Aside from being the longest sentence that I've seen, it doesn't even make sense.

If you are asking me why all the mouth then it is for 2 reasons. 1. I am so bored of the sh*t that you post (in almost every post) so I feel inspired to balance the bullsht scales. 2. Whilst I appreciate that you believe yourself to be it & a bit, you simply aren't. I'm not saying you are rubbish as that would be rude but... Winning the lower divisions isn't bad but you are starting to find your level.

I'm bored of this now. As I said earlier, for the return fixture just make sure you put your name next to mine and we'll settle it then. Words are just words (and not always coherent), we'll settle what we're talking about on the table.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 22-12-2011 06:40

JugglingSpence wrote:
neil wrote:
shaun dont need to cheat mate and spence beat me lol:D: the way he plays hahaahaha dont know what spencer you going on about and whats with the mouth and why you getting involved in our division mate stick to your division and your team who is it now cant be dropas babies cause you sold them out then the misfits felt for you and took you in as to be honest needed some more decent players lol cant wait for the sarcastic reply lol

if not have a good xmas and a good new year

WTF? To be honest, i dont know where to start with this. Aside from being the longest sentence that I've seen, it doesn't even make sense.

If you are asking me why all the mouth then it is for 2 reasons. 1. I am so bored of the sh*t that you post (in almost every post) so I feel inspired to balance the bullsht scales. 2. Whilst I appreciate that you believe yourself to be it & a bit, you simply aren't. I'm not saying you are rubbish as that would be rude but... Winning the lower divisions isn't bad but you are starting to find your level.

I'm bored of this now. As I said earlier, for the return fixture just make sure you put your name next to mine and we'll settle it then. Words are just words (and not always coherent), we'll settle what we're talking about on the table.

spence chill out mate:handshake: i was talking to shaun if you read it right you need to calm down dont you i know all about winning the lower divisions i didnt say it was bad cause its not so get your facts right

Posted by sk8shaun on 22-12-2011 22:20

hey neil sorry if i have upset you i didnt mean to make you cry baby boy! is that sarcastic anough for you, you prat! ;)
whats the matter im in getting you! telling spence to calm down when you reckon your win when he would rape you like the silly little baby boy you are on that table plus talking about dropas that was a shame but we all move on with the lower divisions you really should come down and join us in the bottom division as thats where you belong and the cheat well you say you dont need to, if that is the case why are you cheating then you bell! anyway lets get back to the point! you are a mug a prat a div a bell. god i could go on forever so i gonna end it here by saying mummies calling you its feeding time!

As happy as a single man throwing chips at a ginger retard called neil outside the chip shop!

NEIL HALL = NUMPTY (a nice simple one for a simple person)

2008 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2009 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2010 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2011 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 23-12-2011 01:42

[quote]sk8shaun wrote:
hey neil sorry if i have upset you i didnt mean to make you cry baby boy! is that sarcastic anough for you, you prat! ;)
whats the matter im in getting you! telling spence to calm down when you reckon your win when he would rape you like the silly little baby boy you are on that table plus talking about dropas that was a shame but we all move on with the lower divisions you really should come down and join us in the bottom division as thats where you belong and the cheat well you say you dont need to, if that is the case why are you cheating then you bell! anyway lets get back to the point! you are a mug a prat a div a bell. god i could go on forever so i gonna end it here by saying mummies calling you its feeding time!

As happy as a single man throwing chips at a ginger retard called neil outside the chip shop!

hahahahahaha rape me no chance mate you got more of a chance against him as you know him so well as you couldnt even get into the farley small pots team cause to be honest you do get around dont you lol as for me coming down to the bottom divisions lol been there done that all mate and i dont need to avoid playing in the higher divisions as you did cause your arse went and you couldnt cope with the top players thats why you keep moving teams lol, so enough said on that front then i will wait for your bu ll s h i t reply as you did start all this bo llocks with your stupid comments about the doubles you should keep out of stuff that dont concern you division 4 lot stick to playing new teams that aint good cause you would know all about the lower divisions as you keep joining a new team everytime a new season starts cause you like to be top of the singles, so stop talking s h i t to me mate and get on with your own team,

Posted by sk8shaun on 26-12-2011 02:48

hey neil sorry about making you wait for my b u l l s h i t reply been abit busy well anyway heres my xmas prezzie to you with both middle fingers moving up and down as im jumping on ya mums crave lol!
im a little bit impress you finally reply something half decent come on be honest you had to use google didnt you! yea mate it is true i have moved around but like i said already to you we all move on, come on keep up you jerk! you saying a person all about trying be top of rankings where have we all heard that from before? i give you a hint as you are a bit slow NUMPTY! so neil whats with the deal of your own team slagging you off behind your back ohhh dear and this is the truth! also you keep suggesting for me leave you alone well its like fishing and your my bait, all you gotta do is bite little fishy!

NEIL HALL = NUMPTY (a nice simple one for a simple person)

2008 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2009 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2010 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2011 neil hall numpty of the year :trophytwo:

Posted by Rainbow on 29-12-2011 15:12

neil wrote:

... you couldnt even get into the farley small pots team ...

Thats a low blow Neil, whats wrong with the Small Pots? There're a good bunch who play the game as it should be,...for fun, and Cat runs a good ship. Ok, so there're not the best team in the league, neither are 99% of the rest of us! (except the loyalists of course). Love the banter you give on here sometimes, but leave others out of it please.


Posted by No1 Nugget on 29-12-2011 18:49

Rainbow wrote:
neil wrote:

... you couldnt even get into the farley small pots team ...

Thats a low blow Neil, whats wrong with the Small Pots? There're a good bunch who play the game as it should be,...for fun, and Cat runs a good ship. Ok, so there're not the best team in the league, neither are 99% of the rest of us! (except the loyalists of course). Love the banter you give on here sometimes, but leave others out of it please.


Hi Paul i don't have a bad word against the small pots it's one of the ex players who thinks he is the boll Ickes when he aint who keeps getting involved in things that don't concern him. So Paul I hope that puts it to rest and you get the picture now have a good new year mate see you in a couple of weeks

Posted by EmDee on 30-12-2011 00:13

Ooooh this site is getting good again

Posted by JugglingSpence on 30-12-2011 18:25

neil wrote:

...who thinks he is the boll Ickes when he aint

Yeah, that can be annoying...

Posted by B mcCabe on 30-12-2011 22:30

very good spence

Posted by sk8shaun on 01-01-2012 02:46

hey neil sorry havnt been online lately been busy last time i said i was a little impress with your reply now im ashame of you with your last one! can you please pretty please keep up you slate someone off then say you didnt, then you slate a team off then say you didnt, like i said keep up you div! boll ickles lol you mug im da 1st to stand up and happy to admit im not that good mate now its like a AA meeting its your turn all you got to do is stand and say HI MY NAME IS NEIL!you know da rest? trust me your feel a lot better mate.
i heard your not happy with me lol please dont run me over any excuse to write that piece of crap off! i will await your L A M E reply!

NEIL HALL = NUMPTY (a nice simple one for a simple person)

2008 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2009 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2010 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
2011 neil hall numpty of the year :trophyone:
(well done it was close but you won it mate!)
2012 neil hall numpty of the year ????????????????

Posted by harry on 05-01-2012 14:19

lol, I really do miss the Croydon Pool banter :rofl: