Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Croydon B interleague squad 2012

Posted by Blockapocket on 05-01-2012 23:44

New interlaegue season news

The following players have been retained for the new 2012 season.

Steve Pantony Team captain B's
Ian David Vice Captain B's
Dan Barthrop. A's
Scott Harrison. B's
Paul Hailston B's
John Hersey B's
Clive Taylor B's
Ray Tolfrey B's
John Prothero B's (R)

E.P.A Yearly registration is now due, I have the forms to be filled and returned
and the fee this year is ?7.00


If you are on the list but can not play for any reason this season please let the team captian or vice captain know A.S.A.P

:thumb: Come On Croydon lets have a good year.

Posted by Luke on 06-01-2012 00:08

When are the trials Steve?

Posted by Blockapocket on 06-01-2012 23:28

Hi Luke,
i am in talks with Paul Wildman and Sean Kelly in respect of the trials, and the number of players that may be needed, so dont have the details yet,but will post as soon as its sorted.

Edited by Blockapocket on 06-01-2012 23:31

Posted by sparks on 13-01-2012 15:47

Getting close to the EOM will need to arrange trials because of registrations having to be in before the deadline.

Alot of players have expressed a keen interest in representing Croydon some who narrowly missed the cut last season.

Lets have a good turn out at this years fourth coming trials.


Posted by Blockapocket on 14-01-2012 22:37

We now have the new seasons fixtures. and we let all team members have a copy, A.S.A.P.
But our first game will be against Tolworth away on
Sunday 26th FEBUARY

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 27-01-2012 02:22

Any news on trials guys?

Posted by sparks on 27-01-2012 16:40

Humble apologies Ben, due to players retained from last season we have decided not to hold trials.

The interest shown has been massive and only having to replace just a phew with players dropping back from the A's to the B's would make it a pointless exercise.

The senario would be 2 places and approximately 40 players turn up for trials.

If you odject to this decision you can appeal either me or Steve.


Posted by EmDee on 27-01-2012 17:26


Posted by Big Ben Ten on 27-01-2012 22:50

That is pretty disappointing. Even with just two places available people will enjoy a trial just like a competition with the added bonus of 2 places up for grabs, so I don't think it would be perceived as a waste of time.

If players are dropping from the As then either people are getting moved up from the Bs or they're getting in someother way.

Im not having a moan but there is a lot of talk in Croydon that playing interleague is about who you know rather than how you play so you should post your decisions In a bit more detail just to confirm this isn't true...

Edited by Big Ben Ten on 27-01-2012 23:25

Posted by Blockapocket on 29-01-2012 02:43

Ben, Trials are held on the bases that the squad need players.
Following a very good season, The A team players all have outstanding averages, so all of them have been retained,
Eddie Taylor was interleagues best player LAST YEAR.
Dan Barthrop was the B teams best player with a 79% average
and will move to the A,s
This means that the A teams has more players than is needed.

As interleague teams can only feild 9 Players on match nights with
2 changes giving you a 11 man team on match nights
so there is a limit to how many players the squad requires.

Players that fell below the average last season have been stood down from the B's, and some A team may move back to the B's
limiting the places that would normally filled by trialist.

SO It isn't the case that its who you know weather your IN or OUT
its just that places simply are not there for trials to be held.
I agree Disapponting for those who would have liked a chance to trial
but for this season thats the way it is...

If that changes we will inform you A.S.A.P

Edited by Blockapocket on 29-01-2012 02:50

Posted by Big Ben Ten on 31-01-2012 15:55

I guess it's just one of thoses awkward situations where you can't keep everyone happy. Cheers for the reply anyway Steve. Keep up the good work you two ;)