Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Croydon A Team Squad

Posted by Shaggy on 06-01-2012 20:50

Hi all,

As Steve has added something in regard to the B Team I thought I would just confirm its Sean Kelly and my intention to run the A Team this year. Its worth saying thank you to Hughie who after a few years in control has overseen some reemergance in the A Team with cup wins and high league postions for the A's, the stability of the B Team under Steve, and a sound base for Croydon to get stronger in the future.

All 12 players acheived more than 50% last season, of which 8 were over 60%, of which 3 were over 70%, of which 2 were over 80%. With this in mind their is no reason not to retain any of the players for next season.

Their is a potential return to the squad for Graf Bishop who missed last year for family reasons, a promotion for Dan Barthrop who excelled in the B Team last year and the possibility of a couple of high standard players who have expressed an interest in playing. Evidently this means the basis of a very large squad so I will be speaking to all below to confirm your intentions for the new year. (I now have all the numbers!!!)

Retained Players
Paul Wildman
Sean Kelly
Metin Tomris
Mev Ali
Eddie Taylor
Tom Telford
Hugh Telford
Gary Swettenham
Chris Knock
Mark Miller
Nick Pool
Billy Barnett

Returning Players
Graf Bishop

Promoted Players
Dan Bathrop

If anyone who uses this site knows that they will definately be available (or definately not) please contact me on 07939 287093.



Edited by Shaggy on 06-01-2012 20:56

Posted by Shaggy on 06-01-2012 22:01

And on top of that everyone playing in an EPA registered event this year which includes County and Interleague and EPA registration form must be completed. Exisiting Members need to complete a Renewal Form and new players need to complete a Registration Form accompanied by two passport photographs.

For any that want to do this, Stan Robinson will be at the Surrey Trials held at Suzy Q'S (Rileys Purley Way) on Sunday.

ANybody that wants this form and fixture lists sent be email, send me your details on the number above, PM me via this or the Surrey Website or email me at and I will forward these on.

Late registration has cost us dear in recent years. It cant happen again!