Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Quarter Final Doubles fo {Plate)

Posted by Twister on 24-01-2012 20:28

Magnum Force 3 -1 Another View

Good to see you guys last night, close match as neither teams played to there best but untimatley the force was with them.:clap:

Good Luck in the Semi's, see you again soon no duobt in Riley's.

Posted by EmDee on 24-01-2012 23:24


Good to catch up last night, sorry about the frankly pretty poor frames from all of us involved but thanks to you both for making it an enjoyable evening. Bring on the semis!

edit: nice to see you've posted it in the right section this time :thumb:

Edited by EmDee on 24-01-2012 23:31