Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 4 - week 12

Posted by Statto on 08-02-2012 06:47

You've been framed 2-8 Penge Con Boys

An enjoyable night with a friendly team...and good food as well!!!

Once again, I must be honest and say that maybe the scoreline flattered us a touch....certainly we robbed frame 7...the difference between 4-3 and 5-2 at that point is huge...

The framed boys can certainly pot a few balls...there were no easy frames....

All the best guys, good luck for the rest of the season!!!

Posted by Welshy on 08-02-2012 14:19

Beechtree B 3-7 Rack Em Up

With no Boshers game, wandered down to watch the Bs. Flattering for the opponents, but the Bs had a fair few chances which went taking unfortunately

Posted by Twister on 08-02-2012 15:57

Plan B 4 - 6 Another View

Great match which we started well with 0-3 but the boys did not let go & @ the half way stage a respectable 2-3. it pretty much went game for game in the 2nd half with us going ahead 2-4, than 3-4, than 3-5, than 4-5, looked certain to be a draw but we had our chance in the last and took it. 4-6.

Plan B a great bunch of lads, good night all round.

Riley's Misfits 5 - 5 Paxton Arms, we know this score as they were playing on the next table. I understand this was a very close match also.