Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 3 - Week 13

Posted by Welshy on 15-02-2012 14:11

Beechtree Boshers 6 - 4 Eagles Bird

Good win for us :D:but at 3-2 down at the break it wasn't looking clever, but our second half display much better as we took the first four.

Mentions to myself and Jonesy for win doubles last night 2/2 :winking:

Good bunch the Eagles Bird, good luck for the remainder of the season :handshake:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 16-02-2012 02:26

Rileys legends 8 2 jolly sailor

well played jolly sailor great bunch wish them well for the rest of the season bye next week which will put us 18 points clear oh and thats with a 5 point deduction catch us if you can lol

Edited by No1 Nugget on 16-02-2012 03:55

Posted by Shaggy on 16-02-2012 07:50

3 questions.

1. What have the Rileys Legends actually done to self classify themselves as legends?

2. How can you say well played to the opposition when you have won 8-2, without sounding arrogant?

3. Why did you get deducted 5 points?

Edited by Shaggy on 16-02-2012 07:53

Posted by Shaggy on 16-02-2012 07:52

Cant be assed to wait!

1. Nothing

2. You cant

3. Cheating


division 4 summer champs (31st best team in the league)
division 5 winners ( 49th best team in the league)
division 5,4 divisional singles winner (4/3 x 12 teams with 8 players best player in the league)
division 5,4 secretary winner (Really. Someone that can hold a pen sheeeesh!)

Edited by Shaggy on 16-02-2012 08:03

Posted by Metin250 on 16-02-2012 14:36

That is 1 of the funniest things I have ever read on here!

Posted by Teach on 17-02-2012 00:42

In defence of the legends, the name does have its comedy element! A bit like the pawlene fowlers! Great name shaggy... With regards to the cheating... The offence was explained to all secretaries at the agm last week. OMG -it was really complicated to understand! And i consider myself to be mildly intelligent! Lol

Posted by No1 Nugget on 17-02-2012 03:10

Shaggy no need for that mate its just a name and the jolly did play well and I wasn't being arrogant and with the other thing about the 5 points it was a mistake and we have been punnished for it as the william needed the points so they got the extra point which they didnt deserve as they got the bye from the games but who cares its in the past as for ur other comments regarding where we are overall doesn't bother me as we comming up the rankings also just wanted to let you know the rankings don't lie mate you should take a look. Also without being rude cause i respect what you have achieved in the croydon league i was wondering why u are wasting ur time getting involved in our division 3

Posted by No1 Nugget on 17-02-2012 03:20

metin250 wrote:
That is 1 of the funniest things I have ever read on here!

really, i just knew you would have to comment as you always do :handshake:

Posted by Metin250 on 17-02-2012 04:00

I did my comment i was just laughing at shaggys very funny post!

Posted by No1 Nugget on 17-02-2012 05:04

metin250 wrote:
I did my comment i was just laughing at shaggys very funny post!

Ohhh ok was it that funny you are very easily pleased then as I didn't think it was that funny but hay whatever makes you tick I suppose lol

Posted by Bink286 on 17-02-2012 18:45

neil wrote:
Shaggy no need for that mate its just a name and the jolly did play well and I wasn't being arrogant and with the other thing about the 5 points it was a mistake and we have been punnished for it as the william needed the points so they got the extra point which they didnt deserve as they got the bye from the games but who cares its in the past as for ur other comments regarding where we are overall doesn't bother me as we comming up the rankings also just wanted to let you know the rankings don't lie mate you should take a look. Also without being rude cause i respect what you have achieved in the croydon league i was wondering why u are wasting ur time getting involved in our division 3

As was explained at the AGM, the William were disadvantaged by the Rileys Legends putting the bye against a stronger player at #4, and then forging a signature against the absent player's name in order to avoid the home team twigging. The vote was unanimous, so I'd be interested to hear your argument as to why they didn't deserve it?

It is a shame you were not there to explain this in person?

Clearly however, it was just a mistake. A mistake to try and pull a fast one over a team that knows the rules. Something to bear in mind when you get promoted to Div II eh?

Posted by Shaggy on 17-02-2012 19:36

Neil, the post was a bit tongue in cheek to be honest, so I wouldn't take it to heart to much.

I care about divison 3 like any other Div other than the one I am playing in, as I have been playing is league summer and winter for 20+ years, and especially the summer ones many of these have been id Div 3 and below.

In reltion to rankings they may not lie but they do mislead. Id not base my opinion of a players ability based on how high they are in the rankings. I rarely look at rankings as I dont play singles or doubles so its holds little interest unless one of my team mates are doing OK.

An example of misleading, when the league was bigger and more points for doubles/singles etc, I won 18 out of 22 in the league, 8 out of 8 in the league cup and was 300+ in the rankings.

Morray Dolan played in the league the other year. He was 8th in the Country on the IPA Tour and not in the first 200 in Croydon.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 17-02-2012 21:46

Bink286 wrote:
neil wrote:
Shaggy no need for that mate its just a name and the jolly did play well and I wasn't being arrogant and with the other thing about the 5 points it was a mistake and we have been punnished for it as the william needed the points so they got the extra point which they didnt deserve as they got the bye from the games but who cares its in the past as for ur other comments regarding where we are overall doesn't bother me as we comming up the rankings also just wanted to let you know the rankings don't lie mate you should take a look. Also without being rude cause i respect what you have achieved in the croydon league i was wondering why u are wasting ur time getting involved in our division 3

As was explained at the AGM, the William were disadvantaged by the Rileys Legends putting the bye against a stronger player at #4, and then forging a signature against the absent player's name in order to avoid the home team twigging. The vote was unanimous, so I'd be interested to hear your argument as to why they didn't deserve it?

It is a shame you were not there to explain this in person?

Clearly however, it was just a mistake. A mistake to try and pull a fast one over a team that knows the rules. Something to bear in mind when you get promoted to Div II eh?

yeah but i personally dont think he was their best playerand they got 2 points for free of us but anyways its done now we move on, i was meaning to come and give my version but had to cancel through family promblems,but hay we all make mistakes as i told them that on the night, and apparently he was their best player well he had a bye and i decided to play their best player in the second set and beat him, but hopefully we can put this behind us and move on we will meet the william again this season which im looking forward to and we will just take the points back off them,