Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: group B week 1

Posted by Pondlife on 13-03-2012 18:42

Pond Q's 9 Langley Sports 1

Bit of a one-sided match,just like the one at the Emirates. Very nice group of lads who played the game in a creditable manner. Just as well it was a friendly atmosphere as it was impossible to have any sort of space between the sides. Rileys have created a comedy club without even knowing it. The gaps between the tables are totally inadequate. Presumably they had their full complement of tables prior to the demise of Purley Way. They now would appear to have shifted the entire stock from Purley to Croydon. If they think that this has created an acceptable playing environment,they are totally wrong. Also the parking situation is an absolute joke,both on availability and cost. It's no good for the league to have agreed a sponsorship and then watch its members shell out a fortune to Croydon Council for the privilege of parking . By closing Purley Way,Rileys have reneged on the sponsorship agreement. It now needs to be reviewed as a matter of some urgency.

The other match in our group : Rileys Cuemasters 6 Warbank 4

Posted by Shaggy on 13-03-2012 19:17

You must qualify for a bus pass now. Id suggest using it!

Posted by Pondlife on 13-03-2012 21:19

Quite right young man. Unfortunately though, we are not a one man team !

Posted by longshanks on 15-03-2012 06:46

You are right Pat, but there was enough room for some mad gooner to go running around like a madman when the Arse nicked a late winner while some of us were trying to win important frames.

Posted by Pondlife on 15-03-2012 16:13

Perhaps Rileys should dispense with Sky television and the luxurious viewing suite . Using current practice,they could reasonably expect to fit another 20 or 30 tables into the vacant space. Happy Days !

Posted by Metin250 on 15-03-2012 17:23

Wow! Never seen so much moaning in my life,
Your old home table in purley way had a phone box In the way so can't understand your moaning.
Was nt purley way robbed on more than 1 occasion yet u call frith unsafe!
If it were nt for Riley's the amount of good pool venues would be non existent.
Less not forget its a pool hall not a library who cares if there is some noise, I grew up playing it in a noisy pub as I'm sure a lot of u did and I'd prefer atmosphere to silence.

Posted by Pondlife on 15-03-2012 20:16

Firstly I would like to point out to you that a forum is a medium for airing one's opinions. If you don't like that,I would suggest that you don't come on the site. You obviously don't share my concerns and I respect your views. Notwithstanding that, I believe that the sooner Riley's sponsorship is terminated,the better it will be for the significant majority of the league. Why should all the other home venues be penalised for the benefit of Rileys ? We are a pub league and pool is a pub game ! Having lost Purley Way.all other Rileys should be banned from hosting teams ! IMO

Posted by Metin250 on 15-03-2012 21:10

As u say this is an open forum and so I am commenting on what u keep moaning about! If Riley's stop sponsoring and shut down so will the league as there will be no more pool venues and then there won't be a forum for u to moan on!

Posted by Rambo on 15-03-2012 22:08

I love my popcorn!

Posted by A King Disher on 16-03-2012 07:09

Pondlife wrote:
Firstly I would like to point out to you that a forum is a medium for airing one's opinions. If you don't like that,I would suggest that you don't come on the site. You obviously don't share my concerns and I respect your views. Notwithstanding that, I believe that the sooner Riley's sponsorship is terminated,the better it will be for the significant majority of the league. Why should all the other home venues be penalised for the benefit of Rileys ? We are a pub league and pool is a pub game ! Having lost Purley Way.all other Rileys should be banned from hosting teams ! IMO

Someones changed their tune ain't they !
We recall you being in favour of Rileys at a meeting and to keeping certain individuals out.
Now you're in favour of the pubs and probably because you've moved back to yours. There's a word for this.
How will we keep these individuals who you voted against out of the league and from entering the KO comps and very probably dominating it. Or would you suggest that we vote/ban them out of the league altogether because it suits now !
Although overcrowded, ( and this will diminish as the comps progress ) Frith road is a nice venue and much easier to access from where we are than Purley way ever was.
We had a wonderful time there on Monday and so did our home team opponents and none of us had a moan about anything apart from having to wait at the bar.

Posted by Rambo on 16-03-2012 18:11


Do carry on.

Posted by EmDee on 17-03-2012 02:50

Pondlife wrote:a forum is a medium for airing one's opinions

Don't tempt me...

Rileys provide 16 decent supreme tables, pints for ?2.50, Sky sports, food, subsidised parking and you're complaining because it's busy? Of course it's f***ing busy!

Posted by Special K on 17-03-2012 19:21

I kinda agree with wot u say the tables are superb sky sports cheap for a beer i was there monday and tuesday enjoyed my self great place but..... On tues it was not as packed and people are all playing next to each other i was bumping into people on my shots having to wait about coz other people are on there shots...... Ots konda off putting all i wud suggest is leave a gap in between tables on match nights! If its real busy then obviously u cant but there is 16 blinding tables! So no excuse!!! Sort this then frith road for me will be the place to be!!! :idea: