Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 1 - week 17

Posted by longshanks on 14-03-2012 15:39

Cuemasters 7 -3 Wizards

Two wins in a row - The Cuemasters are back ...

Posted by Pondlife on 14-03-2012 16:01

Pond Q's 3 Warbank 7

A very disappointing performance against the parrot people. They had the run of the ball in every game. They looked very relaxed in the knowledge that their cars and hub-caps would still be around at the end of the match. Looking forward to our next meeting in two weeks time in Rileys Croydon Ideal Home venue which once again will demonstrate an amazing utilisation of all available space. I can't believe that they haven't put a table on the stairs. There's a lot of room out there .

Posted by Special K on 14-03-2012 17:39

The prop 4 the better halfs 6

another great performance from us nice result although we aint shocked in the result as we believe we can do well in every game! Some great play last night by andre cox mite sound obvious coming from a fellow team mate but he took out a great dish in the first and in the 2nd took out a nice clearance! For me player of the night! No disrespect to the prop as they are a quality team i jus feel we took our chances n they didnt really but it happens great bunch the prop beautiful table really was but there is no room! Its common sense that wen u have such a small place like that 1 table shud be turned of next to a match table so players have room and dont keep bumping into each other! Wish the prop the best of luck for the rest of season cheers lads :drunk:

Posted by Shaggy on 14-03-2012 18:13

Eagles 8 Rileys Snooker 2

Played well, nice night, good result.

13 clear and on a roll so should be good enough for some honours in several weeks time.

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 14-03-2012 18:22


FORUM 'A' 79 +1
POND Q's 73

Edited by SCORCHIO12 on 14-03-2012 18:23

Posted by A King Disher on 14-03-2012 20:44

Fine words Mr. K. Almost sums up an excellent match, filled with loads of fun, laughter and very loud noise, especially from where I was standing.
And you are soooo bashful forgetting to mention your finest cut of cuts on a rail ball to claim control of that lovely dolly 8 ball and to claim the match for the "Mighty Better Halfs"
I wonder where you learned that ! ( He who dares )
Very well done and played to all concerned.

:o Kil Em :censored:

Posted by Rambo on 14-03-2012 21:36

AQT, I agree with that cut. WoW!!! But that shouldn't have happened if the guy potted that black. 5 - 5 would have been a fair result. Some great pool from both teams!! Well played to both sides!!

Great team spirit from our end and the prop, that's what makes the pool enjoyable and worth going and playing pool.

See you in the summer league, looking forward to it!!

Might c u in cup too, goodluck for rest of the season

Hear us roar, We fear no foes. We are the better halfs.

Posted by Shaggy on 14-03-2012 22:25

And dont even start on the 2 x 2 shots debacle....

Posted by jacko on 14-03-2012 23:14

unprd 8.2 foriegn legion always a pleasure playing the legion a gr8 bunch ov guys played in the right spirit good witha bit ov banter thrown in...classy break n dish by clive taylor n also by our knocky where the highlights..felt we proper got away with the result as maybe 6.4 or 5.5 would ov been a fairer reflection..also would like to say fair play to ramsay on monday coming over n shaking hands with me,good gesture m8 appreciate it..lets hope we can all get on now n forget about any probs wev ad this season :angel:

Posted by Rambo on 14-03-2012 23:35

jacko wrote:
also would like to say fair play to ramsay on monday coming over n shaking hands with me,good gesture m8 appreciate it..lets hope we can all get on now n forget about any probs wev ad this season :angel:

No problem m8, I have huge respect for you, See you in a few weeks in the cup game.

So it's looking like a 3 way finish for 2nd spot.

Posted by Special K on 15-03-2012 01:02

Shaggy wrote:
And dont even start on the 2 x 2 shots debacle....

Ok shaggy point taken i will make sure i do something magical nxt time u watch me hope u put that up wen u see it ha ha na ur rite i agree lol house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!