Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Predictions

Posted by jacko on 19-03-2012 18:21

Singles final 3.1 mevstar, think mevs all round game n experience should get the job done....Rankings, its all about mev he wont lose from there(il b hoping for top16 but top 10 would b nice)....Div1 individuals, tough call top4 look good n shaggy waiting for them if they falter id like to c mev or ricky win it....League, unpredictables late charge wil c us champs but if sumhow we blow it think Eagles mite sneak it by the odd 100 points or so....Leagu cup,wide open any1 ov 4 think maybe sum1 mite stop the Eagles in this1 maybe prop or even unprd or Qmasters,Eagles obvoius favs ov course :angel: wat say the rest ov u

Posted by Special K on 19-03-2012 19:14

Mr jackson u really seriously make me laugh total disrespect i am a lil bit baff...... I love the way u discount us from everything...... U fail to realise that we are above u in the league we are looking good for runners up after beating the prop ( no disrespect to the prop ) they have a harder running than us thats all i am joint with mev in divisonal singles we are still in league cup and for ur comments i am go say we will finish above u and win our group! U seriously under estimate us! Wen u havent even beat us! Get facts right mate b4 u make statements honestly u are a great player but ur old now maybe thats ur prob u past it oh well it happens yessssssssssss the halfs

Posted by the-shark on 19-03-2012 19:47

lol so subtle in your digs mr jackson...

singles final mev to win 3-2
ladies final katie to win 3-1
league the eagles (its already over)
league cup eagles obviously favourites( but anyone from top 5 in div 1 inc the better halves as anyone can beat anyone if its there day)
div 1 rankings john little or ricky cook
overall rankings mev ali.

jacko to finish outside top 16 as hes getting old.:D:

Posted by Spud on 19-03-2012 20:39

Not a bad thread to have.... Offers up some genuine debate, and everyone's opinion will vary so makes an interesting read.

Mine for what they're worth:
League - Eagles

League Cup - Minefield.
I'm personally looking no further than the Quarter finals at this stage. If form continues through the secong group stage, we play either the Unpredictables, or The Better Halfs. Either of the two will provide great oppo, and should mean a great match. Whoever wins that match, will take some stopping.
I expect the Semi's will look like this:
Unpreds / Bett Halfs vs. The Cuemasters
The Prop vs. Eagles / Unpreds / Bett Halfs
Take your pick....

Divisionals: Mr. Special K himself. Already one clear, and with the confidence I've seen in his recent frames, don't expect him to lose more than one, which means all others have to lose none.

Rankings: Mev Ali. Regardless of the result in tonights match, I expect the great man to maintain his healthy margin at the top and see thos out comfortably. And well deserved too.

Ladies - Katie. Class player full stop. Let alone for a woman.

And the big one tonight:
Metin Tomris.
Play with this guy every week, and his ability never ceases to amaze me. Has had a brilliant run in the singles, which I think will culminate in tonights showpiece for all his hard work.
Mev is a legend, and it is with no disrespect intended, but I fancy Met for this one.
Reagrdless.... It's two of the best players in the league, both bang in form, going head to head. Should be a brilliant game for the neutral, and (Cliche alert, Cliche alert) Pool is the real winner.
If you're free, match is at Frith about 8:15 / 8:30 ish. I believe they're playing it best of 9, so first to 5 frames.

Edited by Spud on 19-03-2012 20:44

Posted by jacko on 19-03-2012 21:33

k got u down as 1 ov the top4 who wil fight out individuals so wheres disrespect there n as for league i didnt mention who would b runners up just sayin eagles av walked it n as for league cup think ur a very good side but fancy 1 ov the provern sides to win it...aint no disrespect just my opinion dont take it personal aint no dig there or intendid...n yea i mite b a as been but stil done bak2bak individuals n won singles last year so can stil play a bit even if it isa struggle these days....haha yea shark fancy me top 16 finish may b a tad optimistic but 1 can but dream,as for getting old i am old now im nearly 32 :angel:

Posted by Rambo on 20-03-2012 00:56

Not frames unpredictable

Posted by Special K on 20-03-2012 01:18

Cheers sean mate top man and thanx shark for mentioning us loads of respect! I aint jus saying this but every time we playef the eagles sean has dished suprised u aint winning the div singles class act! And right attitude! Legend!

Posted by Kermy on 20-03-2012 03:04

Dan ur now level with myself and mev after i bent u over and taught u a pool lesson last tuesday. Dont think Jacko is being disrespectful,he knows the score with this league. As for the Better Halfs,a fantastic season so far(and without Rod)but dont get carried away boys. League cup in latter stages is over a longer distance so u would fancy Eagles Prop,Unpredictables or Cuemasters.
Rankings. Mev without a doubt,God help us all if Croydons No 1 nicks it,
League, Eagles Zzzzzzz
Runners up,Prop
Div Singles; One of 8 players.
Singles Mev all round game fanastic, Met is a one trick pony ha ha(anytime no2 turk before u start)
Ladies singles,Katie(dont know why the others enter)
If ive left anyone out i apologise,nah not really couldn't give a toss.

Posted by Special K on 20-03-2012 03:32

U didnt bend me ova mate! I went for the split and nearly landed perfect. Its 1 frame anything cud happen! Look forward to playing u again. And on u finishing runners up although i hate runners up good luck.

Posted by Kermy on 20-03-2012 03:41

Welcome to div 1. Will look forward to it myself Mr K, will refer to u as special when uve earnt it.
Oh by the the way tell u mate Ramsey to stop nicking the Millwall songs.

Posted by Special K on 20-03-2012 03:49

Looooool nice! Mark is millwall mad leeds sat hope u there mr cook

Posted by Kermy on 20-03-2012 04:05

Would love to be,unfortunately i have to work. COME ON U LIONS.................

Posted by Metin250 on 20-03-2012 06:10

1 trick pony Ricky!
Ps thanks to all eagles lads for the support!!!!
Eagles forever!

Edited by Metin250 on 20-03-2012 06:45

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-03-2012 09:39

Good luck to both finalists tonight, both great guys Im hoping met can win it as I'm closing in on MeV for that top spot lol good luck to you both
Div 1 eagles
Runner up prop
Div2 magnum
Runner up refugees
Runner up folly
Div4 penge con boys
Runner up misfits
Also regarding everything eagles to win the double?:bow:

Posted by Special K on 20-03-2012 17:48

Div 1 = eagles
Rup = better halfs

Div 2 = mf
Rup = rin

Div 3= FOLLY ( come on boys )
Rup = rl

Div 4 = pc
Rup= av

Div singles really close any 1 capable shud be good!
Rankings mev well done mate
Singles metin well done glad u won u beat me and out played me well done
League cup better halfs :D

Posted by Teach on 20-03-2012 17:53

Well done to Katie and Metin last night. Must also mention Mr Porter beating Mark Miller 7-6 in the plate final. A pretty impressive result considering he was 4-1 down.

Prediction: Eagles to win most things lol

Fact: Palace to finish above Millwall!! (?50 please Danny Boy!)

Posted by sparks on 20-03-2012 18:34

Teach wrote:
Well done to Katie and Metin last night. Must also mention Mr Porter beating Mark Miller 7-6 in the plate final. A pretty impressive result considering he was 4-1 down.

Prediction: Eagles to win most things lol

Fact: Palace to finish above Millwall!! (?50 please Danny Boy!)

Stevo would defo go with that one buddy.....COOLIO!!;)

Posted by No1 Nugget on 20-03-2012 21:35

Special K wrote:
Div 1 = eagles
Rup = better halfs

Div 2 = mf
Rup = rin

Div 3= FOLLY ( come on boys )
Rup = rl

Div 4 = pc
Rup= av

Div singles really close any 1 capable shud be good!
Rankings mev well done mate
Singles metin well done glad u won u beat me and out played me well done
League cup better halfs :D

danny you might be right on some of them but you made a mistake in division 3 mate:wall: your predictions that the folly will win it lol they dont stand a chance against us mate lol we got that title and we coming up AGAIN:clap::trophyone: division 2 next season for us which we will win and then im comming for you again lol:handshake: seeing as i have a great record against you played 1 won 1:boxer:

Posted by Special K on 20-03-2012 23:14

O MY Good god u are refering to that 1 frame knock we had in the farley we both was smashing balls about before the 1st round in the singles cant believe u put that up here :wall: u played a team in div 1 wot was the score?????? Dissopointed that u put that up! Coming for me........ :violin:

Posted by Rambo on 21-03-2012 00:19

Kermy wrote:
Welcome to div 1. Will look forward to it myself Mr K, will refer to u as special when uve earnt it.
Oh by the the way tell u mate Ramsey to stop nicking the Millwall songs.

Remember it's Ramsay not Ramsey. :-)

Saturday here we come!!! Can't wait got tickets for the match. The boys in white won't know what hit them!

Posted by Rambo on 21-03-2012 00:25

your predictions that the folly will win it lol they dont stand a chance against us mate lol we got that title and we coming up AGAIN:clap::trophyone: division 2 next season for us which we will win and then im comming for you

Who gives a *******about winning division 3... I'll bet you get a hard on.

Posted by No1 Nugget on 21-03-2012 00:27

ohh yeah i forgot about that night lol i was referring to when i played you at yours in the singles last year or the year before down your place 3 1 dont you remember when i knocked you out the singles and yes we did get a bashing from the prop but most teams do but my lot are still learning,and im only messing when i said im comming for you its just a bit of banter with the top boys thats all wish you luck in the divisional singles mate there some decent players fighting for that top spot, but when i come up to that division i will be there to :boxer:

Posted by Special K on 21-03-2012 00:31

Dont remember that at all honest

Posted by No1 Nugget on 21-03-2012 00:39

yeah i do i remember all the good players i have beaten in div 1 but hey we will meet again soon and ill look forward to playing you again good luck on all fronts that your chasing really do mean that mate

Posted by No1 Nugget on 21-03-2012 00:46

Ramsay wrote:
your predictions that the folly will win it lol they dont stand a chance against us mate lol we got that title and we coming up AGAIN:clap::trophyone: division 2 next season for us which we will win and then im comming for you

Who gives a *******about winning division 3... I'll bet you get a hard on.

no wont get a hard on just another winners trophy to add to my collection and why you getting involved you worry about your own division ramsay,

Posted by Rambo on 21-03-2012 00:50

Lol love u too xx

Posted by Statto on 21-03-2012 08:33

Referring to neil and special k's predictions on div 4....neil, have you looked at the table???

another view are 8 points ahead of misfits before tonite's games, and they had a 7-3 average win bye...I think special k is more likely to be right...:nerner:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 21-03-2012 16:50

i know jason you are prob right but i wanted to support the misfits as i have a few old players there and wanted them to do well,

Posted by sk8shaun on 22-03-2012 03:52

really jason you talking to neil like his stupid, now thats a bit mean! you do know his mum's dead! anyway yes the veiw did get a 7-3 bye but misfits get a 10-0 bye so that would mean 5 point gap and both teams meeting next so lets get the calculator out

misfits 10-0 another view (misfits 5 points clear of another view)
misfits 9-1 another view (misfits 3 points clear of another view)
misfits 8-2 another view (misfits 1 point clear of another view)
misfits 7-3 another view (misfits 1 point behind another view )
misfits 6-4 another view (misfits 3 points behind another view)

so if misfits win on tuesday would you still write us of for 2nd?
oh dont forget view have rack'em up game after and before you mention we have you at the end dont think you will get a lucky result like last time as we both know a draw was not a fair result for us that night but dont worry cause if we win,draw or lose we will just slag off the table!

ps. neil hall = numpty lol (a nice simple one for a simple person!)

Posted by No1 Nugget on 16-04-2012 20:00

Statto wrote:
Referring to neil and special k's predictions on div 4....neil, have you looked at the table???

another view are 8 points ahead of misfits before tonite's games, and they had a 7-3 average win bye...I think special k is more likely to be right...:nerner:

jason i told you the misfits would get that second place so i was right yet again and you and danny were wrong,

and if they beat you 10 0 tomorrow they will take your title away from under your noses but hopefully you guys wont blow it at the last hurdle good luck mate

Posted by sk8shaun on 17-04-2012 02:07

i cant believe im going to say this but well said neil! but your still a numpty tho!

Posted by Whatapisstake on 17-04-2012 17:49

I think it's worth saying that mr k has made his mark in Croydonpool playing off no 1 and almost winning the div singles :clap:
Then Neil I think u mite be right u did smash mr k up in the singles but then when u had me u lost your bottle and couldn't rearrange a match because u were going to the beach to play volley ball .... Yet wait u were at the Farley the following week as Cathy from the small pots was away and decided to play your secs match when she returned .... That's just plain chicken to me o well least your get rumped in div 2 :o

Posted by Special K on 17-04-2012 19:25

waters wrote:
I think it's worth saying that mr k has made his mark in Croydonpool playing off no 1 and almost winning the div singles :clap:
Then Neil I think u mite be right u did smash mr k up in the singles but then when u had me u lost your bottle and couldn't rearrange a match because u were going to the beach to play volley ball .... Yet wait u were at the Farley the following week as Cathy from the small pots was away and decided to play your secs match when she returned .... That's just plain chicken to me o well least your get rumped in div 2 :o

I seriously dont remember playing him! I have listed the people who have knocked me out........ N i agree he will get rumped in div 2 also he said we will get no trophies this season???? If we win decent tonight we come 2nd we in semi of league cup and i leave div singles coz it aint ova yet we all have a chance fait lies with the mevstarrrrrrr :threaten:

Posted by No1 Nugget on 17-04-2012 20:17

waters wrote:
I think it's worth saying that mr k has made his mark in Croydonpool playing off no 1 and almost winning the div singles :clap:
Then Neil I think u mite be right u did smash mr k up in the singles but then when u had me u lost your bottle and couldn't rearrange a match because u were going to the beach to play volley ball .... Yet wait u were at the Farley the following week as Cathy from the small pots was away and decided to play your secs match when she returned .... That's just plain chicken to me o well least your get rumped in div 2 :o

when was that i have never lost my bottle to play anyone and i dont think i have ever met you have i, i wont get rumped in div 2 i will win the lot again and then get to div1 to play the big boys then get rumped lol and go back to div2

Posted by Statto on 18-04-2012 07:01

neil wrote:
Statto wrote:
Referring to neil and special k's predictions on div 4....neil, have you looked at the table???

another view are 8 points ahead of misfits before tonite's games, and they had a 7-3 average win bye...I think special k is more likely to be right...:nerner:

jason i told you the misfits would get that second place so i was right yet again and you and danny were wrong,

and if they beat you 10 0 tomorrow they will take your title away from under your noses but hopefully you guys wont blow it at the last hurdle good luck mate

Neil....I never said I was guaranteed to be right....I just said more likely...see would have predicted the blow up from the view....they took 5 frames from 2 matches....had they continued in the form they had previously displayed it would have been a far closer thing....and as for tonight....we won the first frame, so job done early time followed...

Posted by jacko on 09-05-2012 23:10

just ada look at me predictions ,not to bad really...tho could do with things bein me top 10 finish in the rankins with broken smashed up arm CUM ON,anyhow talkin ov the rankins just ava quick look n pls tel me there not croysdons top ten players,if so just like the Ryder Cup they should all get a spot in CROYDONS A long i wonder until we sort the rankin system out properly to giv a true reflection...tisa joke :angel:

Posted by Whatapisstake on 12-05-2012 15:11

For once I think tony Jackson is right if u finish in the top 10 of the rankings then u should automatically play for Croydon a top 20 Croydon b this gives players that have not been given a fair crack at it too ... And that's how the teams should be picked each year will plays in a and b set up to the mark ????? If players that do and don't want to play then it's down to the captain of each team to least do a trial or pick a player !!!

Posted by nuttmeg on 13-05-2012 05:52

disagree completely,to represent Croydon you need the best players ability wise,this is judged by the trials and the Croydon team captain (who knows more about pool than any of us ever will).two reasons why I say this, 1, rankings throw up freak results,as some top players who want to play for Croydon don't enter the singles and doubles,and some players who are carried in the doubles and get lucky in the singles,with people not turning up etc,manage to get into the top 20 rankings with our flawed ranking system. 2 in my experience some people who have been choosen for Croydon over the last 30 years,are unreliable and let the team down month after month,For this reasons I think the Croydon team manager should be given as much power as he wants, as ultimately he wants the best for Croydon as a whole.

Posted by Metin250 on 13-05-2012 06:12

Balman, I think jacko was basically saying that the top 10 was not a true reflection of the top 10 players in Croydon and never will until the top league gets the bigger points bonus for winning games as its harder to win frames in div 1 than div 3!
If the top 10 players in Croydon represented a team we would get smashed simple,
Eg a player like Neil has won lots of games against no 1 special all season gets 2nd in rankings and gets in a team (hahahhahahaha) would get found out as he cannot compete at that level. Yes he is good for div 3 but would get ruined at interleague level as its a different league to what he is used to. Until he or any other player in top 20 proves themselves at top level then they cannot and should not b considered for a/b team. Having said that it's down to el capitan!!!!

Posted by jacko on 13-05-2012 18:59

exactly metin n yes tony i woz mocking our flawed ranking system...itsa fkin joke:angel: