Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: RANKINGS

Posted by jacko on 21-03-2012 18:29

after recent changes to the ranking system we have 1 ov our all time gr8s sitting at the top ov the tree as it should b,but ava look at the top 20 or so n ur c the ranking point system stil aint right...most ov us would agree on who we think r the top 20 players in croydon with the odd few differences in opinion we'd kinda cum to the same do we get our rankings to show a true fair reflection on our league players current ability is the question,wat i notice is div1 players playing in lower divisions outclassing there opponants n raking in the ranking points elevating them to a undeserved position..i believe we need a bigger ranking point gap between each division to level the playing field,why should players ov div1 ability benefit in the rankings by playing in lower divisions..i would luv to look at the rankings n say that looks about right but it never really does..maybe we should av divisional rankings a bit like football asa golden boot for each division,i no we av divsional singles for such things but rankings includes singles,doubles n stage 1 ov league cup so i think a divisional rankings may wel tel a truer story....does any1 av any ideas on how we can reform our system to giv a true reflection on our players current abilities...remember tho it needs to b voted in n lower divisional secretarys need to b persuaded :angel: