Thread subject: - The CDPL Online Community :: Division 1 Week 19

Posted by Pondlife on 28-03-2012 05:10

Pond Q's 6 Forum A 4

A very enjoyable evening spent in the company of the Forum lads. They were very appreciative of our new venue. It was a close match which could have gone either way. We had the run of the balls which carried us over the line thankfully. Good luck to the Forum for the remainder of the season. Looking forward to meeting them again in the Summer league. :clap:

Posted by longshanks on 28-03-2012 05:34

Cuemasters 8-2 Better Halfs

Confidence is flooding back into the team after a miserable season. Probably the best we've played all year, going 7-0 up against a very good side. Mark made two clearances, one off a dry break, and Gary broke and dished his second game. I think they struggled with the pace of the table, going in off in several games and we took full advantage.

Posted by Rambo on 28-03-2012 05:45

What can I say? We got destroyed left right and centre, Well played Cuemasters! Very very well played
We will bounce back from this heavy defeat in the Cup!

This result blew 2nd spot wide open now!

Posted by nuttmeg on 28-03-2012 06:25


Edited by nuttmeg on 28-03-2012 13:20

Posted by handbrake on 28-03-2012 14:35

Well would u belive it we played well!! Lol this was the sort of play I expecting from us at the start of the season, our opponents were full of priase for us in defeat , myself and Gary setting a high standard not giving mr cox a shot all night which he very much appreciated lol and wasted no time in telling us so!! good laugh as well as a good result,
Good luck for the rest of the season lads

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 28-03-2012 15:14


Posted by Big Ben Ten on 28-03-2012 16:22

SCORCHIO12 wrote:

Cant believe we lost the last 3 after i left. Could we not persuade you for a re-rack in those as well? :bite:

Posted by SCORCHIO12 on 28-03-2012 16:40

Big Ben Ten wrote:
SCORCHIO12 wrote:

Cant believe we lost the last 3 after i left. Could we not persuade you for a re-rack in those as well? :bite:

LOL, funnily enough the last frame could have been an issue if Chris may have seen it. Good bit of banter last night....


Posted by Metin250 on 28-03-2012 17:22

Unpredict 5-5 eagles
Games could have gone either way , fair result in the end and on a poor table we are happy to walk out unbeaten still for the season.
With all the other results going our way we have a huge lead.
Nice venue and best food we have had all season!
Mev 1st clearance was class, shaggy = names win frames.
Good luck and god bless!

Posted by nuttmeg on 28-03-2012 18:14

you only like the food because it was Turkish.

Posted by Metin250 on 28-03-2012 18:19

nuttmeg wrote:
you only like the food because it was Turkish.

I saw no kebab!

Posted by Special K on 28-03-2012 19:42

handbrake wrote:
Well would u belive it we played well!! Lol this was the sort of play I expecting from us at the start of the season, our opponents were full of priase for us in defeat , myself and Gary setting a high standard not giving mr cox a shot all night which he very much appreciated lol and wasted no time in telling us so!! good laugh as well as a good result,
Good luck for the rest of the season lads

I agree u lot slapped us great result for u guys and some good dishes table was super quick but still a lovely table no excuses out played and wen we had chances we didnt take them so of course we got punished and u guys deserved the victory well done and hopefully we have learnt a lesson and can still compete and u havent dented our confidence you horrible lot!!!! Ha ha lol :bow: